ZOMA ZOMA ZOMA! (Death Knights)


New Member
Sooooooo, in patch 3.0.8 apparently Howling Blast is having its cooldown removed. After fumbling around blindly to find my eyeballs and jaw and replace them in my face, I came up with this DW build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jZG0ex0xbRhoZfM0uxckgcVMz

I lose Blood from my current build, but gain a number of nice things in the Unholy tree: A Death Rune talent, which will let me get Howling Blast off more frequently; a third disease, good boost to Blood Strike and BCB proc damage; and Unholy Aura, which can be nice for melee dps in raids/heroics.

I think overall the gains in Unholy will more than make up for the loss of Blood, but let me know what you think.