Beta Test Night of Legend in two weeks!

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member

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Get ready to "cram" in some TF2 time becuase we are having a beta "test".

First off this week's TF2 Tuesday, May 18th, we will test a few new custom maps courtesy of a recent contest for Competitive CTF maps on the largest TF2 mapping site . A shortened map pack of the contest maps we will run is here. We will also run some of our regular selection for variety from ctf. As the contest yielded many ctf maps any we don't get to play on the 18th will roll over to other weeks. The 18th is not the main event though it comes...

...On Tuesday May 25, the final day of our 11th anniversary Toj celebra-ganza, when we will be playing the never before released map I've been working on for the past year. I've mastered Valve time but will it be Valve worthy? Be there to find out if it is fan-tabulous or a fail-tabulous train wreck. Either way you won't be able to take your eyes off it :p. If you wish to preload it a download is now available.

The map itself is a complete remake and expansion of a one stage map by Toj's Annath :) made into a three stage Dustbowl style map. It's not finished visually but should be ready to play test. Be aware participants may be asked to advance the stages so we guarantee playing them all, thank you.

P.S. If you find my splash page amusing and haven't seen the last ones they are here and here.
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HUZZAH! I've been looking forward to this map for a long time. :D

And that's an awesome picture, Gerbil. Love the Spy action.
I put together a map pack for this Tuesday's custom maps it is here. I only selected the better maps to run so this map pack is a good deal smaller than the one from the official contest site. I am adding one more map to the server though so there will be one download if we play it.

Would this be Rocket? :D

I feel slightly famous.

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No worries next week is the bigger event anyway IMO :). Besides I wish I did more productive things like read more too T_T .
TF2sday = an important social event.

It's my only chance to hang out and play games with some ToJ members.
Spy is fun, but few people actually play it well in my experience. I will play spy fairly often on certain maps or if the other team has gotten too used to my sniping for it to work very well.

/me reconsiders learning to play Spy

/me gets out Jarate : P
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I've put up a copy of my map here . It's far from finished visual/audio wise (oi the places I've been and the file formats I've failed to export XD ) but the gameplay is in and ready to be tested! Sorry I didn't get a download up yesterday but I've been up since Sunday morning XD . I shall now go to sleep until tonight whether I want to or not :p.
I am going to try and make it tonight. My TF2 has been messing up recently so we will see if it kicks me again like it has been lately.
Tonight's the night!

And for those who read this message with only a few minute before 8 p.m. Central or after the night has started but don't have the map already downloaded and installed, go ahead and jump on the server right away anyway. Gerbil has compressed and uploaded the map to our file redirect server, so the download should be quick and automatic.