Worst Guild Wars 2 news ever!

I know that companies exist to make money, but I wish that someone would stand up and say, "We will not dilute the quality of our product by releasing on both console and PC"
This is the most exciting news I have heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, this means I will have to buy 2 copies of the game :-/
I know that companies exist to make money, but I wish that someone would stand up and say, "We will not dilute the quality of our product by releasing on both console and PC"

Consoles sell the most games. Consoles have the most players. Consoles are cheaper and are easier to play. Consoles don't cause me severe pain in my back and hands.

I prefer Consoles over PC, I just play PC, and have for 13 years, because I am an MMO-Fanatic. I have been eagerly awaiting the day that MMOs took a large stance in Consoles. :D

EDIT: Many people fear the game being "dumbed down" but that is not the case, if you have watched any of the beta game play, it is VERY viable for console play.
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kjrhgsliruhgsliehglrzuhg hiuslhg iulshgilsuhgr i might actually buy GW2 now. Ive been waiting forever for FFXIV on PS3 but now I might have a new fav :)
Are you insane?! Have you been under a rock this whole time?!? OF COURSE it will be dumbed down. This is the worst news I've heard in the past 30 days. I've lost my job, the dog died, my car got smashed, I lost the lottery, Whitney Houston died, Patriots lost, Ron Paul is behind in the polls...also has happened in the past 30 days to give you some perspective. This is by far the worst.

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Incoming damage control!
I think "stay calm, don't panic" will become my new mantra.

We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post
mm this comment sums it up for me too.
I'll give ArenaNet the benefit of the doubt, but it is very hard to get excited about a console version of a game when I honestly can't remember the existence of a single console game that didn't adversely affect aspects of its PC counterpart. Maybe BF3? Not sure, but as a PC gamer I've definitely been soured on the idea after having experienced things like Skyrim's obviously console-centric UI.

So... where are they going to put
10 skills
Profession specific abilities (up to 4 skills)
Weapon swap
Interaction (E)

Will be interesting to see how they do it
This is one of those times that I'll wait to see the actual final product before getting excited one way or the other. The fact that it's coming to consoles could result in a dumbed down game, sure. Then again, it could lead to more engaging combat without sacrificing depth. Or maybe, just maybe, the fact that it's coming to consoles will have little effect on the PC build.

I can't think of many console MMOs, but DC Universe Online is just great on consoles, so it certainly isn't impossible for GW2 to be good even with console adaptations.

And I doubt the console idea is absolutely new. Most developers put a little more thought into that. So, I'm going out on a limb here, I think it's safe to say that if you like what you've seen so far, things aren't going to drastically change as a result of console development.

Edit: Dang. In the time it took me to type this... four new posts.
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The good news: Skyrim. Steam Workshop. Yes, multiplatform games on PC can be awesome.

The bad news: Skyrim. Dat UI. /spew

EDIT: Also, cross-platform play probably won't happen, so the existence of a console version may have (almost) no impact on the PC version. One can hope, anyway.

And for the record: I play games on both PC and console (I own a PS3, a Wii, a PS2, a PS1, and a Dreamcast), but I would definitely play GW2 on a PC (provided I have the money to build a new gaming rig before GW2 releases; I don't think my aging laptop would handle it well).

EDIT#2: And take hope: Diablo III for the PC looks and feels like a proper Diablo game (at least in my non-fanboy opinion) and there are plans for a console version of D3.
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Controller keyboard like the 360 and ps3 got. Also you could just hookup a mouse and kb to them.

But i agree, i want a PC only version. No dumbed down games for me.
And take hope: Diablo III for the PC looks and feels like a proper Diablo game (at least in my non-fanboy opinion) and there are plans for a console version of D3.

Yes, that is true, D3 beta is fantastic and secured a Day-one purchase from me. So there is hope!
As for the quality of it on a console, MMOS are notorious for bugs and needing patches/hotfixes almost daily after a launch. How can a Console support that with companies like MS so heavy handed on updates? Look at how Dust 514 had to bail on Xbox due to exactly this. Even a game like DunDef is so far behind on the console, many updates never make, are seriously late, and lots of bugs never get fixed like they do on the PC.
As for the quality of it on a console, MMOS are notorious for bugs and needing patches/hotfixes almost daily after a launch. How can a Console support that with companies like MS so heavy handed on updates? Look at how Dust 514 had to bail on Xbox due to exactly this. Even a game like DunDef is so far behind on the console, many updates never make, are seriously late, and lots of bugs never get fixed like they do on the PC.

With the release of Minecraft on XBL, MS is not only opening the doors for cross platform play (@Tek), but also allowing for direct to client updates. As an update is released, and you open the game, it will download the update, just like on the PC.

Also, I could easily fit all those things you mentioned on my controller, and about 10x more than that. Just saying.
If this wasn't Anet I would be seriously distraught. Anet has done a fantastic job of pulling off the out-of-the-ordinary and making it work. Guild Wars is by no means a typical MMO, and while it's not the first of it's kind, it certainly is the best of it's kind. Personally, I can't see GW translating into a console version, however GW is not GW2. GW2 is going to be radically different from the original, and from what little information I've allowed myself to read, GW2 has the potential to work for a console.

Again, I've never considered consoles a good market for MMOs, just the sheer difficulty of communication (save that of voice) makes consoles difficult for communication based games. But the journey that consoles are undertaking have opened the door for them to enter the internet world. It's only in this latest generation of consoles (Wii, Xbox, PS3) that consoles have had internet capability, and since then, console games have gone from single-player Mario and split-screen multi-player to 64 player battles with participants from California to New York. To limit consoles now is to shut them down, they are just beginning to grow and wet their feet into internet gaming that has been single-handely dominated by the computer.

I understand the fear that computer players, like myself, have when a new competitor comes onto the field. There is a proven history of console games trying to step into the non-FPS internet games and "diluting" or "polluting" the original game, but like a little sibling, the quality of life goes down initially for a few years, but it comes back up. We have to remember that internet consoles are babies in comparison to computers. It will take a little while for them to enter and contribute to the internet gaming world rather than muddying it up. And as far as GW2 is concerned, I think Anet, out of the myriad of designers out there, is a fantastic contender to merge these seemingly incompatible markets.

Like someone said before me, I will withhold my judgement for now, because Anet has proven they know what their doing and make things work.
Man... Gamers whine a lot...
True, but sometimes there's good cause to be disappointed.

Number of updates to Xbox 360 version of Team Fortress 2: 4
Number of updates to PC version of Team Fortress 2: 279 (as of 2/15/12)

"Current and future Holiday DLC, the New Heroes Pack, the Barbarian character, Assault Mission Pack, Nightmare Mode, Shops and more" will never be ported from the PC version of Dungeon Defenders to the Xbox 360 version.

Source: Dungeon Defenders PC DLC not coming to consoles

I don't own a 360, so it doesn't affect me personally, but I can understand concerns that a MMO won't be patched quickly or frequently enough.

Kudos to Microsoft for allowing a developer to publish updates directly, but Minecraft is not a MMO.

Nevertheless, the original topic of this thread was concerns that work on a console version of GW2 would dumb down the PC version--and it's too soon to tell. GW1 is a pretty cool game (even if it wasn't my cup o' tea) and I'm still holding out hope that GW2 will still be awesome.

And it's possible a console version of GW2 could be awesome, too. If gamers without a PC or with an older PC or a preference for consoles pick up the console version of GW2 and enjoy it, then enjoy it in good health.

As for the "console vs. PC" debate: All platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages, their own strengths and weaknesses. Most of us enjoy games on multiple platforms. For example: I enjoy games on the Wii, PS3, PC, and DS. Let's put generalizations like, "Console gaming is better than PC gaming" or "PC gaming is better than console gaming" to rest.

That being said, some platforms are a more natural fit for some game genres than others. That doesn't mean that MMOs can't be great on a console, but there are different challenges to overcome.