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  • Is IRC still used by anyone here for CGA/TOJ?
    Nope. I abandoned the channel when interest fizzled. Discord is the new text-based synchronous communication method of choice!
    The Mighty Gerbil
    The Mighty Gerbil
    I think I used IRC like once, and even then reluctantly, in all the time we had one. I'm not much for instant chats. Too much of a chance I'd say something which would be misconstrued or spell "soiree" wrong XD.
    My computer was overheating and smelled of computer death. I gambled on it being the PSU. Replaced it. Works like a champ. Yay! :D
    I am officially signed up for a match-made fantasy pro wrestling league. I may like wrestling a little bit. >.>
    That feel when you realize you didn't bring your tablet to work, so you don't have access to your already-downloaded media. Nuuuu.
    (Can't figure out how to reply to a post, so...) Or does it put it in the same classification as fruitcake?
    Feeling controversial: I'm becoming more comfortable thinking Metal Gear Solid is the most impressive and important series in gaming today.
    Edit: 20 page paper done. Turned it in. Semester over. Get my MTS on Saturday. Got my PS4 tonight. Altogether stoked.
    Huzzah! Now you're ready for Yakuza 6 and Persona 5. :D
    Exactly! :D
    On page six of my second-to-last 15-20 page paper of the semester. Graduation is less than two weeks away now. Hooray!
    Pinball FX2's Force Awakens tables are on Steam Sale for 33% off right now. Gogogo so we can compete for high scores! :D
    Eve Valkyrie launch trailer released. So excited. Thinking I'll go PSVR for it, though. Even with PS4 cost, cheaper than upgrading my
    My dad was a teacher. His words to me were always about "A good teacher has good students pass them in knowledge." I wish you that kind of success! :)
    Friend gave me a key for FFXIV, so I got it installed overnight. Playing on Goblin. Hooray!
    If you are in need of musical recommendations, I strongly advise you to check out The Megas and The Protomen. Brace your feelings, though.
    Rough day out there in the world. Be sure to pray for Paris/France and Japan, especially.
    It's NaNoWriMo, and I'm going for it. Need a creative outlet, and this seems a good idea.
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    Reactions: Tek7@Work
    Go for it, dood! Wish I had the time to write these days. Well, the time, and the inclination. But much <3 to the folks still writing!
    I've forsaken sleep in favor of writing several nights so far. I sympathize on lack of time.
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