Recent content by pawzisme

  1. P

    Tropico 3 Free Today on Humble Bundle

    nope, runs fine for me win 7 64bit as with you I suspect. Delete and download again maybe?
  2. P

    Ashlanders Rejoice

    I was looking at the Skywind video in Steam news - mouth watering. Sad no update mods for Oblivion though, which I have played much more than MW
  3. P

    PC Games you can recommend....

    thank you Hescominsoon ( and He IS!), haven't heard of that one - will look into it :)
  4. P

    Star Citizen

    I did wonder if SC would ever get finished - but with that amount of money in the backing, it has to, surely! I dribble thinking about it - but is it going to cost an arm and a leg and will we need to run the latest cutting edge hardware to play??. Elite: Dangerous - haven't seen anything...
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    Ashlanders Rejoice

    thank you Chuckle, I will look at the link, though have not installed Morrow Wind at present - maybe it works for Oblivion as well? Have just looked at the Skywind page - fascinating! I didn't know about this until it was mentioned couple of days back whoeeee! No I won't get you started on ESO -...
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    PC Games you can recommend....

    right, I shall keep my ear to the ground - or do I mean my eye to the forum !? :)
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    PC Games you can recommend....

    I assume that is a server or forum? Not me, I suppose. Fairly common handle that I don't really use anymore except where it is already registered and would be a pain to change. it is the handle of another person - also into gaming and computers. It absolutely works in Skyrim ah, right, I...
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    Ashlanders Rejoice

    at present I have OMM installed - but I take your point about Nexus. I used that a lot for Fallout3 mods. Tried BOSS a while back, don't think I got on with that, so ditched it. Yes, will do that - get OOO from Nexus and use NMM.....( why didn't I think of that!)
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    Ashlanders Rejoice

    I am with you on all that you have said about online play, and you sum up quite neatly what I feel about MMO as well. I am really looking forward to a number of single-player survival games currently in different stages of development (sans zombies), the nearest to completion, being 'The Long...
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    Ashlanders Rejoice

    Patriot, this is an old thread now, but has pricked my ears up because I have all the Elderscroll games, plus add-ons, but not played them for years, especially Morrowind, because of the clunky graphics. I was actually thinking of getting a Steam version of Oblivion,because chatting with you...
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    PC Games you can recommend....

    TMG I did take a fresh look at 'Papers Please', but decided it just wasn't for me - just to clear any confusion up :) You have all so kindly recommended various games to me since I joined, and I can't remember who suggested what now. I might well take you up on the offer of help with FTL - but...
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    PC Games you can recommend....

    'aw, shucks is about all the 'American' I know' - oh, and maybe y'all (said in a drawl) and 'have a good day!', which seems to be fairly global now. Sometimes Ellis Potter (itinerant preacher) comes to give us a talk at church, and in telling anecdotes he can affect the most wonderful...
  13. P

    PC Games you can recommend....

    not sure I know what an alpha code is but suspect you are trying to help me - thank you, but don't you worry none old bean, I will get Minecraft in due course. We have just paid out nearly £700 on car maintenaince ( Himself mutters something about bath-curves in respect of old cars getting...
  14. P

    PC Games you can recommend....

    I shall be patient and look forward to the day when I can get it :) Only six months to Christmas........ :)