RaySoul Apr 1, 2018 Banana Bay. Really nice place. I should live here. So warm. So peaceful. Never mind, mercs just arrived...
Banana Bay. Really nice place. I should live here. So warm. So peaceful. Never mind, mercs just arrived...
RaySoul Apr 1, 2018 I really wanna know what that giant bowl thing is over there. Could have a lot of cereal in that thing.
I really wanna know what that giant bowl thing is over there. Could have a lot of cereal in that thing.
RaySoul Mar 31, 2018 Eating a sandwich at Borneo. Gonna pack up soon and hike over to the Control Point of Brazil for some sight seeing.
Eating a sandwich at Borneo. Gonna pack up soon and hike over to the Control Point of Brazil for some sight seeing.
RaySoul Mar 27, 2018 God has the power to do anything. I wonder if He plays video games. Maybe we've played with or against God in a game. You never know.
God has the power to do anything. I wonder if He plays video games. Maybe we've played with or against God in a game. You never know.
RaySoul Mar 17, 2018 There Is A Door. You Can Walk Through That Door. Where Will It Lead You...? Go On. Find Out. Make The Most Of The Unknown.
There Is A Door. You Can Walk Through That Door. Where Will It Lead You...? Go On. Find Out. Make The Most Of The Unknown.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players...
...but if it's a stage which one is it 1? 2? water? lava?