Search results

  1. Alias

    Star Wars The Old Republic

    I know I am an unfamiliar face to many of you... but I used to be someone important. I haven't played WoW for a couple years now but I am planning to pick up Old Republic - the new Star Wars MMO when it comes out December 20, 2011! I wanted to see if any of my old TF buddies were thinking...
  2. Alias


    from ctrl-alt-del comic ***WARNING: LINK TO UNCENSORED COMIC***
  3. Alias

    If you're already tired of Wrath... can start looking forward to (paying for) ANOTHER expansion! According to mmo-champion it will include a major revamp of the old world including flying in Azeroth and access to those zones you always wondered about like Hyjaal, Uldum and Gilneas. More spoilers under the link and an...
  4. Alias

    Make your own lolcatz

    I hear some people here are somewhat fond of those crazy lolcatz. LOLCats r funny n cute. Wif dis LOLMagnetz set, makin ur own lolcats iz vry easy. Just git piccur ov teh cat (or othr animal ov ur choosin) an use teh magnetz 2 build teh capshun rite on ur refrigerator. Cuz they r magnets...
  5. Alias

    Share your WoW stories in comic form

    Anyone who reads the web comic 'PVP' will be familiar with Scott Kurtz. But he also has a web comic called 'Ding' following the adventures of Kissybear and his horde pvp buddies. He recently put up this announcement regarding his new plan for 'Ding'. He wants to feature the adventures of real...
  6. Alias

    kara: team Maskowitz

    After discussions with current kara leaders (mostly Xandar), Kasiem and I have decided we'd like to put together another kara run. There are apparenly a number of people keyed and wanting to take part in the current groups, but there just arent enough slots for everyone. There are also a fair...
  7. Alias

    LF netherscale crafter

    Some of you may have heard my plea on guild chat of late, but I figured I'd put it up here as well. After much farming, I have finally gathered all mat to craft a Thick Netherscale Breastplate. Unfortunately, finding someone able to make has proved the most difficult 'farming' task. I know...
  8. Alias

    Check out Tier 4/5 armor

    the Blizzard site has updated the armor page to show the new tier 4 and 5 armor here I thought it was interesting that the druid, shaman, pally, and priest sets have multiple options catering specifically to certain specs. that does make it a really big loss to change spec at lvl 70 after...
  9. Alias

    BC Instance maps available?

    I'm trying to gather some info to head up a Ramparts run tonight, but I'm having trouble finding any instance maps on the net. Has anyone found these maps available yet? I have found many walkthroughs so I guess if I dont have a map, I should still have enough info to make a decent go of it.
  10. Alias

    hello computer!

    woot! my new desktop finally finally arrived last night. Im still just getting the basic stuff set up on it but hopefully this week or next I'll be picking up TBC and getting back into some serious WoW time. Im also looking forward to it not being slowed by my mediocre hardware (oh lappie you...
  11. Alias

    LBRS trogg quest

    noone that ive raided LBRS with so far has been able to tell me anything about how to do the quest that the wandering trogg gives. BUT I have finally figured it out via to some of you im sure this is old news but i know some guildies didnt know about this. so Id...
  12. Alias

    hunter build

    so ive been told to go for a 5/31/15 build for my end-game hunter, but im not sure exactly where those points are distributed - anyone know/refer me to a resource please?
  13. Alias

    Would I offend...?

    Ive been looking up to find what i can dual wield with my hunter, and Im interested in Dal'Rend's arms and the discussion suggests that a lot of ppl were offended when hunter's rolled on them. Ive heard bone slicing hatchet is a good option for...
  14. Alias


    The big bad dead guy in West plaguelands city - 61 elite... needing 4 more to help me take him down. I plan to be on tonight (Wed 17) at about 6:30 server. I'll be looking for you 60's...
  15. Alias

    Mid-week runs

    So, its definitely sweet having these scheduled Mon, and Fri instances, however I tend to have some empty evenings during middle of the week. So Im curious if any other 60's tend to have the Tues-Thurs boredom. Im not looking to organize regular events, but who can I look for for some small...