Search results

  1. Darkpanda

    Damage meter mods

    I am currently using swstats to measure my toons dps. I am curious as to whether different damage meter mods provide different measures of dps, and if they do, which is most accurate. I guess it could depend on how each mod measures the dps. I am unfamiliar as to how each mod measures this dps...
  2. Darkpanda

    kara gearing question

    I was curious as to what the required stats would be to consider running kara in an off-tanking role. My warrior currently has 475 defense, 12k armor, and 10714 health unbuffed with 50 hit rating on that tanking set. That gives him a little over 3% + to hit. I have yet to find a shoulder...
  3. Darkpanda

    First 70

    Taking the cue from John (Deed) I figured I would make aware that my warrior is 70. If ya need a tank or dps I can do either. Hes spec'd 42/5/14 so he can handle whatever role. Anyways, happy gaming all. Sean
  4. Darkpanda

    The Grind Videos - A new installment

    You all have to check out The Grind series of videos. They are available via livestream at decent quality. Simply put they are amazing. Check them out: The Grind - Episode 0 The Grind - Episode 1 The Grind - Episode 2 DISCLAIMER These videos are intended for a mature audience...
  5. Darkpanda

    Pally roll in heroics

    Now my pally is on ly 64, but I would like to discuss the roll of pallies in the heroic dungeons. "Illumination": This talent now only gives 50% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock". With this...
  6. Darkpanda

    Comical look at end game raiding.

    Removed the link cus I just wasen't sure if it was appropriate cus of a swear word in the picture. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sean
  7. Darkpanda

    The Grind videos

    You all have to check out The Grind series of videos. They are available via livestream at decent quality. Simply put they are amazing. Check them out: The Grind - Episode 0 The Grind - Episode 1 Enjoy. Sean
  8. Darkpanda

    Unexpected downtime

    Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I will off from wow due to circumstances out of my control for a bit. Unless I can get wow working on my roomates comp, God bless him, I won't be able to play due to some technical difficulties with my laptop. The problembeing that it is no longer...
  9. Darkpanda

    Warrior Pvp Spec-Pre & Post BC

    Currently lvling a warrior with the intent towards Pvp glory. Love the class as was my first 60 on another server. Was a fury warrior, but decided to take a different tack this time round. Here is was I am considering for a PvP pre BC(Not that I have enough time to reach it) 35 Arms/5...
  10. Darkpanda

    Onyxia Scale Cloak

    I have got the Onyxia Scale, but do not have the ability to make the other mats(or the cloak itself). If someone could help me out with that I would be most grateful. Cost of the other mats I can cover if ya want. Working on building my FR up to 200. Sean aka. "Panda Man"
  11. Darkpanda

    Awkward internet outage

    I just wanted to apologize to Todd, on his hunter Abednego, for the internet cutting out on me just as we were about to do some questing together. Rather funny as I had just figured out a problem on my end with the team speak. Anyways, just wanted to let ya know Todd that I hadn't skipped out...