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  1. herodsson

    Official Legacy of Elijah Enrollment Thread

    sign Me Up! TOJ Name: Herodsson GW2: Terr:5349
  2. herodsson

    Server Transfers

    You're right1 those are the only servers allowing transfers at the moment.
  3. herodsson

    Server Transfers

    I posted this in another thread, but thought it deserved it;s own thread. Here's the list of available free transfer servers in North America. I agree we should give it a few days for Bioware to test the process and to see if any more serves open up. Do we know if any of the guild...
  4. herodsson


    Here's the list of available free transfer servers in North America. I agree we should give it a few days for Bioware to test the process and to see if any more serves open up. Do we know if any of the guild leadership is interested in transferring? Specifically Grimbeorn the Guild Leader...
  5. herodsson


    I'm on regularly I've been playing on a regular basis..not always on my guild characters. but them there isn't anyone on to do an invite!
  6. herodsson

    Prayer for Baldee

    For those of you who remember Baldee (Steve)... Please keep him in prayer and his wife as well. Their youngest son Clay passed way yesterday in Oregon. Few details except his death was accidental. Pray also for Westgate Church where Steve is lead pastor
  7. herodsson

    Prayer for Baldee

    For those of you who remember Baldee (Steve)... Please keep him in prayer and his wife as well. Their youngest son Clay passed way yesterday in Oregon. Few details except his death was accidental. Pray also for Westgate Church where Steve is lead pastor.
  8. herodsson

    Where is everyone?

    A significant part of my testimony regards the transformative power of Christ in a believer's life. Before I became a follower of Christ 11 years ago, I was a proud gay man (a sodomite). Christ transformed everything I believed about my self. I am no longer gay through his power and the...
  9. herodsson

    Where is everyone?

    SOTOR Applicaton I applied about a week ago. I pm'd one of the recruiters but haven't heard back. I guess I could reapply, but after reading the guild constitution I have some reservations. Particularly Article II, Section A and Article V, Section B. I am considering carefully what I want...
  10. herodsson

    +10 Stats Datacron

    +10 Datacron I can't get on til after 9:00 pm pst tonight! Events at the church. Terr
  11. herodsson

    +10 Stats Datacron

    Silverchiss mentioned that there was a group attempting this datacron. Got room for one more? I have the grappler and the red crystal! Terr
  12. herodsson


    Baldee is no longer playing Hey guys! Baldee has stopped playing WoW. He hasn't been on for a couple of months now. I know he let his subscription lapse. Please demote all his toons if you haven't already. He's my lead pastor and boss at (and friend!)WestGate Church (plus he gave me...
  13. herodsson

    Help with sulfuras, Hand of ragnaros

    Dark Iron Bars I have Dar Iron Bars on Terrorion if you still need them.
  14. herodsson

    Recruit of Redeemed

    If that's the case then it's not a cool thing.
  15. herodsson

    Recruit of Redeemed

    Thanks for the clarification I actually like the titles...just curious where it came from.
  16. herodsson

    Recruit of Redeemed

    So I've logged on and discovered i have a new guild title, "Recruit of Redeemed". Is this an artifact of the new guild achievement system?
  17. herodsson


    I'm not the oldest... Terr 09/25/1950
  18. herodsson

    Late Group Getting started

    I'm in! Terrlock is in! Been waiting for this!
  19. herodsson

    Get to know your Guildees! =)

    Terr Name: Terrence Primary Character: Terr (Fury Warrior) Age: 58 Status: Single Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: 25 exalted reps Favorite Class: Warrior Favorite Profession: Cooking PvE Goals: Loremaster Achievement PvP Goals: To die less quickly when I'm ganked Favorite Bible Verse...