Search results

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    Dungeonland - any interest?

    Lately I've watched several videos and read a bit about Dungeonland. I think it looks quite enjoyable and a really interesting multiplayer game. Do any of you have any interest in the game and would be interested in splitting a 4 pack? It's currently $30 for a 4-pack.
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    Torchlight 2 4-Pack

    I'm looking to buy Torchlight 2 and I know there are probably some of you who are looking at copies too. Anyone still looking to buy it interested in a 4-pack?
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    Monday Night Combat

    Has anyone else been looking into this game? I thought it looked pretty fun and struck me as tf2 designed for a smaller number of players.
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    Team Portress

    Team Portress I'm not really sure what to think of this. Impressive coding at least.
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    Drop System Changes

    Check out They have changed the drop system so that instead of determining if you get an item by random rolls at fixed intervals it now picks a random interval until your next drop. They also increased the drop rate. Me as someone who has gotten 1 item in the last 40...
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    Battlefield Bad Company 2

    Now that we have forums, I would like to invite you all to come join us. BC2 Forums Omega and I are leading the chapter so please if you own the game come check out the forums. Anyone out there who doesn't have the game but has played and enjoyed previous Battlefield game, I would...
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    Favorite Weapons

    I figured with our new forums what better way to kick it off then to have a Favorite weapons thread so I'll start. Assault: Don't play so don't know Medic : Either the M60 or the Pump shotty Engineer: SCAR-L Recon : GOL (although the M24 is still nice) Handguns : I usually favor the M1191...
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    Family Friend in Hospital

    A close family friend of ours was recently rushed to the hospital with bleeding in his brain. Please pray for both him and his family, especially his kids. Please pray for a full and speedy recovery.
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    Wife has the flu

    I just found out my wife, who the TF2 guys know as Blondie, has the flu. She had an 102.7 F fever today and is feeling terrible. She has had really bad asthma all her life so I'm really worried about her. Please pray for a quick recovery and that she won't have any complications because of...
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    June 23rd TF2 Update

    Most of it I like, but as someone who plays Spy regularly the change to the ambassador is someone aggravating. I felt the Ambassador was a great counter to people standing with their backs to walls but now it wont be that great.
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    I hate Microsoft

    So to celebrate my new job I splurged and bought myself a xbox 360. I've had an original Xbox for years and still play it fairly regularly and several of my friends have 360s so I really wanted one. 13 days since purchase, haven't played it in 3 days, and I turn it on tonight to the...
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    Introducing the Yellow Team

    So my graphics cart decided there needed to be a third team in tf2 last night. Introducing the yellow team... This is the first time I've had it due that specific error, but my graphics card has been on the fritz for a while. Let me tell you, trying to determine what team someone is...
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    Job Opportunity

    I have been interviewing for a job in the area for the last several weeks. The interview process has been really drawn out and I'm starting to get very stressed. This job would be a big opportunity for me and would allow me to comfortably support me and my wife, something I've had trouble...
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    Today I played on a server with crits for the first time since the recent update. When the update was published I noticed that they significantly lowered crits across the board and was all for that. After playing with the crits for a while, I have to admit I like them now. After a while of...
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    Getting Achievements

    How did you all get the achievements? Did you get most of them during the game or did you work with a group to get them? I'm asking because I have one of the unlockables(First medic gun) and wanted to know if anyone could help me out with those.
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    Possible Mario Kart Game Night

    I would like to hold a Mario Kart Gamenight, but I need to know what night would be best for everyone. So let me know when you are available and we will pick a date.
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    Game Reviews

    I thought this forum would be a good place for us to post some game reviews. So what are some good games you have played that most people wouldn't have. Or maybe a game that got terrible reviews, but you enjoy it. Post reviews and lets reveal some hidden gems (I know some of you out there...
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    Wii Code Compilation

    Rizz has compiled a listing of all the Wii Friend Codes added to these forums. It is currently hosted at It currently contains Wii Codes and Friend codes for SSBB and Mario Kart. Please check it out and add everyone as friends. To add information please...
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    New Wii Chapter

    I am starting a new Wii Chapter for Tribe of Judah. I would like to get an idea of how strong the interest will be in getting together for game nights, so if all Wii owners that are interested please post what games you have and when you play online. Rizz has setup this page...
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    Avoid AT&T DSL

    I just want to post this as a warning to all of you. If you have any other options than AT&T DSL I would recommend them. I've had nothing, but problems with them since I signed up. 1. The first modem they sent me was busted. The replacement worked, but isn't incredibly reliable. 2...