Drop System Changes


Check out teamfortress.com.

They have changed the drop system so that instead of determining if you get an item by random rolls at fixed intervals it now picks a random interval until your next drop.

They also increased the drop rate. Me as someone who has gotten 1 item in the last 40 hours of play or so is incredibly happy about this change.
I am for the item drop changes if it helps guys like Bassman out and reduces idle servers. Thing is I'm pretty sure I was getting more items before the changes because I play almost nothing but TF2. Can't Valve give me a #1 fan item or something :p ?
...I want a custom community knife :p. Yup I'd like the freshly stabbed dudes to read the "you were killed by this weapon" window and have it say you were killed by "The Gerbil's Fang" :D.