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  1. Raegenheri

    Guild Testing Program Has Begun! (We can apply!!)
  2. Raegenheri

    New Blizzard policy: Gold farming is OK (as long as we get a cut!)

    I don't know if anyone saw this or not, but information from the upcoming Diablo III beta has leaked out: The big shocker here is this: Officially sanctioned gold selling in Diablo III, people doing it just have to pay a BlizzTax on...
  3. Raegenheri

    Blizzard reveals Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (legendary caster staff!!!!) 9k DPS enough to start raiding?
  4. Raegenheri

    Anyone in the Lich King beta?

    If so, which server? PVP or PVE? I've copied Raegenheri over to Lich King (PVP) and am downloading the client now. I'll check out Northrend, but after I've made a Gnome DK :)