Anyone in the Lich King beta?


New Member
If so, which server? PVP or PVE?

I've copied Raegenheri over to Lich King (PVP) and am downloading the client now. I'll check out Northrend, but after I've made a Gnome DK :)
Hey! I have also been chosen for the beta, but I figure so I can experience content without gankings and such I am going to stick with a PvE server. I have already copied Lufia my mage, Remedica my druid and my horde priest Eislen as well. Having trouble with the temporary account creation webpage, but currently downloading the beta client.
ive been playing it on a private server... and death knights r so not cool! they r so stinkin good! their abilities are AMAZING though
and rogues r pretty good actually! unless you are fighting a death knight.... *shiver*
o and its so cool how death knights heal =)
So thats where you 've been Lufia!!!!!
Are you gonna find time to do the arenas and what not?

Hope to here from you soon
Yeah I will still be around. Just been busy with work, so I'm not around many evenings during the week.