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  1. Daniel434

    ArenaNet Temporarily bans players exploiting...

    Full article: I did not know this existed, hopefully they can continue to squashing exploits and the players that abuse them. Although, I was doing a heart and I had to gather...
  2. Daniel434

    Profession Poll

  3. Daniel434

    Profession Poll

    Just out of curiosity, why is the necromancer getting no love? Is it something to do with his skill and trait design?
  4. Daniel434

    Celebration Hat

    This totally ruins the style and lore of the game! I quit! /sarc :p
  5. Daniel434

    Diablo III

    EDIT: Ugh, I meant "races" instead of profession or class. Don't tell me I'm getting tired already? :O Please come out @ midnight (EST) GW2! I don't see any issues with Diablo 3 as game for Christians. You battle demons in this game, what's better than that? ;) It's actually a game revolving...
  6. Daniel434

    How this is going to work tonight:

    Thank You! I've been waiting for this post :) Now I see why you have a position of leadership.
  7. Daniel434


    I won't vote in the poll because I'm unsure. :) I'm going to try, at least to reserve my name and perhaps get a couple of levels in. If I was ten years younger I would be doing an all-nighter with my gatorade and vivarin caffeine tablets. I suppose there is a possibility I still will :) We'll...
  8. Daniel434

    Intel vs AMD

    Yea, I can see your point here. I have no qualms with AMD for a budget gaming PC but I also have no issues with a cheap i5-2500k which obliterates AMD chips in gaming from the benchmarks I have seen. Perhaps there is a newer AMD chip out that can match it and I'm wrong, but, I have yet to see...
  9. Daniel434

    Diablo III

    Paragon System A new system, is this Blizzard's end game solution for Diablo 3? Seems so... Read the whole thing:
  10. Daniel434

    GW2 Updates

    Nice, thanks for the heads up! Truly appreciated. Blessings!
  11. Daniel434

    Profession Poll

    Wow, so many warrior's and ele's. While I pretty much decided my main will be a warrior, maybe I'll try to level a necro or mesmer and if I like them, maybe switch to one of them as the main. This way we have a bit more variety in the guild. ;) EDIT: I did get a short chance at playing an...
  12. Daniel434

    For those who have read or are considering reading A Song of Ice and Fire

    I was very interested in the HBO series and watched the first episode and half of the second and realized the graphic nudity along with the profanity is not for a Christian. I should have after the first 20-30 minutes of the first episode realized this, but I was fast forwarding and figured it...
  13. Daniel434

    Intel vs AMD

    I'm not knocking AMD as a brand, but, they seem to be shifting philosophy to a more casual non-enthusiast audience. For example, they are integrating GPU and CPU which is great for a non-gamer and just a casual computer user. The AMD chips are certainly fast, but, you can't just look at GHz...
  14. Daniel434

    Intel vs AMD

    Hrmm....What CPU does the $600 build have versus the CPU in the $1200 build? Click here to find out! (Scroll to bottom of article or just read the whole thing! :P) EDIT: Note that the $1200 build is running two superior video cards in crossfire compared to an inferior video card in the $600...
  15. Daniel434

    Ways to Improve

    @Mr.Mask: How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I was ill and away from these boards and not spending much time on the computer for quite awhile. I certainly know what it is like to feel stagnate in my faith and frustrated. But do not be discouraged. Keep pressing on. Many times in my...
  16. Daniel434

    I'm lost here...

    Excellent point. For sure skills and traits will be nerf, buffed, adjusted, etc... Probably on launch day there will be a few major changes. Heh, another great point. There is SOOO much to do in GW2. I plan to stick with PvE and focusing on my Crafting. I think I'm going to go Jeweler. EDIT: I...
  17. Daniel434

    I'm lost here...

    Yea, good point. It's hard to plan viable builds when you only get a limited amount of time to play the Beta and the higher levels were closed off IIRC.
  18. Daniel434

    I'm lost here...

    @Elhanan: Yea, dual axe was a ton of fun :) When I first went dual axe and unlocked all my skills I thought to myself "this is the one!" Hehe. @blfleshamn: Thanks for the mesmer tips! I was thinking of a mesmer in case I get bored of my warrior or do not like it, or perhaps my second char. The...
  19. Daniel434

    I'm lost here...

    Thank You! Anyone discussing builds? I'm leaning towards glass cannon warrior build for PvE :) I played a dual sword warrior in BWE3 and it was a lot of fun.
  20. Daniel434

    I'm lost here...

    Okay, a few things... Which server are we on? Tag will be ToJ or Sorry for my absence, been sick for awhile. I've been better recently and have played alot of BF3 and I've noticed every clan tag is before the name. I'm not sure exactly what I was thinking when I said in a previous...