12 million WOW subscribers patching...


New Member
I was just thinking this morning, as I type this, there are 12 million active wow users all downloading a 5 Gb patch. (Maybe not all right now, but over the course of the day.) And let's say 25% of us will be patching more than one computer... So over the course of 24 hours, that's around 75,000,000 gigabytes, or about 71.5 petabytes.

What do you think that does to the interwebz? I bet Juniper routers the world over are overheating right now...
I dunno how much is left for today, I think a huge chunk of the population will have already downloaded it. Not sure how long it's been up ... I did tkae care of it on Saturday for fears of traffic jams exactly like you're saying (plus my terriblad home DSL d/l speeds). But it's a good question.