28% ETA 1D 4HRs

Dictionary pls. "for the win" I get...what is the other and will it help me download faster?

So word is that the store, who yesterday hadn't received codes in well over a month, now has 2 codes for my for my copies.....and my car is supposed to be fixed in time to go get them tonight...so I can download all night.

demilitarized zone is a non-firewalled area in your network usually a single IP or range of IPs which have no filtering on the traffic. A true DMZ is not a very safe practice (although most routers will let you do this) unless you have a secondary firewall with which to prevent port scans and attacks.

I'm doing port forwarding which lets the bittorrent range of ports communicate directly (non-NAT). Still some crappy speeds today.

One thing I like so far is they are giving people direct access to the torrent file (unlike Blizz) which gives you their pre-packaged torrent client. This gives you the freedom to run whatever torrent program you usually do without having to add a bunch of Windows firewall exceptions everytime there is a new patch.

(now at 58% btw)