3 years


I was looking at my profile and realized that I have been here for almost 3 years. Wow...what a ride it has been.

So, what were you doing 3 years ago?
You know sis I'm two weeks shy of my 3rd complete year as well.

Three years ago, we just moved into house. :D
three years ago.... i JUST met Atown... and he was the one to plug me into CGA... thus... i was a midget and a n00b... both at once... gj Atown... your magic has done wonders.
let me think here. I do believe I had just bought Counter Strike and was trying to get it to run on my brand new laptop computer... O yeah, I was getting ready to start college.
You know sis I'm two weeks shy of my 3rd complete year as well.

Three years ago, we just moved into house. :D

We also just found out that I was Pregnant with Deadly Binky. Oh and I was trying to figure out why PW was soooo addicted to CS and how I could get him OFF the computer. ;)
3 years ago, I was still playing Ultima Online and spending a little time in WoW Beta. I didn't have my basement finished yet, so I was sitting down here on the bare concrete floor, freezing half to death, even in the summer.
Alizak? wow.... i haven't heard from you since... idk... wow... nice to see you again, stranger.
3 years ago. . . . . working my tail off. Ivan had just hit the area, and lots of people wanted to eat waffle house..
ahh this thread has been wonderful. It is great to see so many posts from those who have been around for a while.

Ali - you play CS any more?
Yo, I have been good guys. Just stopped playing WoW really, just get on to talk to Josh (Seed) and Shane (Colossis) really. I am buying a Counter Strike: Source server with a friend from school soon too. I been watching your servers and have not seen anyone on when i been on. Hope to game with you guys again soon.
