A Challenge...


New Member

So the thing is...we have a number of people that are more than capable of matching these numbers.

Just take a look at

Patchwerk: 2:55

..with a rogue that pretty much failed, a Shaman in blues and greens and ungemmed (an alt, undoubtedly), a fury warrior that's not very scary (a whole 2200 DPS) and so on.

How are we different? We have a lot of people at the edge of or over 5k on patch - we have some people doing less damage than the tanks, so do they (in this parse anyway), etc... etc...

So for this raid reset beginning Tuesday...

If we reach a collective raid DPS of 75000 on Patchwerk OR defeat him before 3:00 (which we will know by everyone receiving the achievement...and the former obviously results in the latter), I will hand out 200g to every person in the raid. I realize this isn't some huge gold rush, but there's only so much I am capable of giving away!

Yes, I realize this is more than A-Team has on this parse but they also pretty much 24 manned it ;)

How will we accomplish this?

1.) Know your damage output. Make sure you have recount installed and running.

2.) Work with your CL to make sure you are working in the most optimized DPS cycle possible and are gemmed and enchanged correctly.

3.) Come fully prepared with flasks and food. Consult your CL to make sure you are bringing the *correct* flasks and food.

4.) Practice on the dummies to test your cycles. If you're hitting around 3k DPS or better on a dummy, you're more than likely golden.

5.) Prepare your cooldowns in a manner that is fit for a 3 minute fight. For example, mages should blow everything ASAP then save it for heroism.

6.) If there's BoE gear you can purchase or badge gear you have enough badges for - pick them up. After all, you at least have 200g towards the purchase if it works out.

7.) If you have framerate issues, contact me in game and we can see how we can fix up your system. if you're able to run at around 15-20 fps during a boss, you should be fine. Other options are to spread out a little from other people which will increase framerate and minimize the number of mods you have running. For example, if you have Quest Helper - turn it off for a raid.

8.) Make sure you have the RIGHT mods for your class. For casters this usually means you at least have Quartz and ClassTimer/DoTimer or some other variant.


If fewer than 7 people are over 5k DPS - those that are will receive 50g, If more than 7 people are over 5k DPS, they will receive 150g.
We don't do that wing on Tuesdays......its saved for Fridays because the one boss in it requires doing dkp for.
sorry, wrong timer...3:54 was the last one. i can't say which was *our* best for heroic. i have a 3:24 in my logs but it may have been from previous attempts.
So...correct me if my math is wrong on this, but this translates to us needing, at most, about a 25% improvement.

Now...I'm going to harp on Jad.

Initially specced and gemmed, etc... Jad was what ...maybe 2-2.5k DPS on a training dummy (I'll use 2 since it makes a nice round number for this scenario). After spending some time with him that increased by roughly 1k dps - 50%. Now, the more damage you're doing, the less you're likely to improve, however...if you're at the low end, that means there's a lot of opportunity to improve and odds are there are going to be *some* little or easy things you can do to drastically improve performance. I'm not going to promise a 50% improvement off the bat, but there may be a chance that it's possible. If you're having machine / lag issues, that's one thing...but we can probably tweak your setup a bit to at least give you a few more FPS.

Maybe it's your cast squence...maybe you could use some better glyphs for your spec...maybe you need a look at regemming/enchants (e.g. are you over the RAID hit cap (particularly for casters)). All that stuff adds up :)
Another little trick for Patch, particularly for casters...

Take speed potions.


Take one - you'll have the buff. It may only be for 5-10s by the time the boss is engaged and we're in combat, but that's a huge haste increase for those few seconds.

Assuming you're a *completely* unhasted mage...

Potion before being in combat = 15% haste increase (roughly)

Arcane blast unhasted cast time = 2.5s

New cast time = 2.125s

If you have it for 10s...

Without potion = 4 casts
With potion = 5 casts (rounding up since your 5th cast will be have the haste benefit...it's actually 4.7)

So you basically get an extra cast within the timeframe. (you should get 2 when you re-use it for the full 15s).

If you were going to assume 15 casterly types getting an extra cast that hits for 5k on average, that's 75k raid damage just from taking a pre-emptive potion :)
Also...you have to time this somewhat precisely to get the best effect and it's much better to take it if he's coming towards the raid and getting pulled rather than walkinng away and a hunter pulling him. If he's walking away...or far away...don't "double dip" ...just wait for heroism at around 30% or so to pop your potion.
I'll do a ready check to see if anyone is interested in trying this the next raid when we get to this boss.
Why wouldn't you be interested in downing a boss faster and getting an achievement?

Um....because I already have them all? <hypothetically speaking>
Um....because I'm not prepared
Um....because I don't want to pay the repair bill on the wipe
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Umm...it's patchwerk.
Umm...click your keys faster.
Umm...said challenge pays for your repair bill.

wow this site killonemy ph
Loosely translates to "wow, this site really kills my phone"