A couple questions


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm a member of our Redeemed WoW guild. I happened to see your forums here for CS:S, and wanted to know the basics. I am currently an admin for the Christian Crew CS:S guild, unaffiliated with this site.

How can I get involved with you guys playing CS:S?

My forum name is actually my WoW name, I will most likely be playing under something different in CS:S. My current name and tag are: <CC>< Moment.

Edit: It appears you do not currently have servers up and running. Would it be out of place to recommend my current CS:S guild? I am an admin on those servers, and they are very well run and maintained. We have a general "BIG" server, a "NO AWP/AUTO" server, and "GUNGAME" server, a "GUNGAME DEATHMATCH" server, and more. If I'm allowed, I'll post info on the site, and how to join.

I do know that <CC>< allows other Christian groups to use it's servers and even allow some to be admins. You would still be able to keep your tag and guild separate, but use the <CC>< servers. Let me know!
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We have just opened up a 20 slot custom maps server. I will find ip later and post it for you. We would love to have you. I'll pm you my steam contact info as well.
We are mainly a custom maps server, but in the past I would swap to classic maps to help build server numbers up.

Dust 2 is in the current rotation as a number builder, also scoutknives, and poolday.

any suggestions on maps that are both custom and build numbers would be appreciated... greatly!
I'm not sure if de_dustmilitary is a custom map or not, but it was in regular rotation on my <CC>< servers.

Also, I'm not sure if I can get by without westwood... :P

I'll stop by sometime and check you guys out. Do I get a tag for being part of this website, or do I need to apply specifically to GFC?
GFC tags are reserved for GFC members specifically.. hop on and play with us, sport your cc tags... (Westwood extended is in rotation).
I am planning on hopping on tomorrow night to play for a bit. I need to relax, and I can't figure any better way than playing CS for a bit

oh, I play under {GFC#7}GourmetButterfly
I am planning on hopping on tomorrow night to play for a bit. I need to relax, and I can't figure any better way than playing CS for a bit

oh, I play under {GFC#7}GourmetButterfly

I'll see if I can pop on, however lots of stuff is going on at home right now, so tis hard to say.