A Killing Faith


New Member
I am hoping to have this finished within a year...or at least I was when I started this, but there's been a lot of stuff on my plate. But this is growing to be a trilogy, the only problem is that I don't have most of the details of this story. I like what I have so far, but I can say that I like where it's going. Enjoy

My dearest and most precious Alex
I am sending you this letter to both encourage and guide you through these diabolical trials. As you well know, I have heard the struggles of your heart and life. Know that I hear of your dreadful solution and do not believe you have made the right choice. I find your solution to be both impossibly strange and difficult. I tell you now that what God chooses to put you through is for your own greater good, but you must trust His judgment and believe that His wisdom is far greater than yours and mine.
The oddity of this new aspiration to “kill God” simply baffles me. And I pray for you earnestly day by day and I pray for your release from these difficult trials.
I tell you now that He has told me you are important to His plans of grace, mercy and glory. And that He loves and cares for you deeply.
With all of this seeded into your mind I plead for you to simply trust my words and put your faith in God
Your caring friend
-Sgt. Peppers

“That was the last I heard from him, it’s been almost three years since then.”

“Then maybe it’s time you took the initiative Alex; try sending him a letter.”

“Really Maddie? Really? You think I didn’t try that? I must have send thirty letters to him since then.” Alex retorted “I really feel like I am either being ignored or abandoned. Either way, it’s been three years of waiting on a bit more detail on why I shouldn’t go through with it.”

“So you’re just going to take that as the sarge endorsing it?” Maddie continued to press in an attempt to change his mind entirely.

“It doesn’t matter to me whether he endorses it or not. But if he can’t supply me with a sufficient reason not to do it then I am giong through with it.”

“Alex you can’t kill God!”

“So now you’re changing the subject?”


“Fine, I’ll bite: why can’t I?”

“Because He’s God! Haven’t you even read the Bible before? You would die just from looking at Him. Moses closed his eyes as he saw a reflection of God off a rock and his face glowed for a month!”

“I’ll think of something along the way.”

“The way to where Alex? They don’t call Him the invisible God for nothing.”

“Like I said, I’ll figure it out. I’ll ask religious leaders, I’ll ask cab drivers, I’ll even ask bar tenders. I’ll compare and contrast their answers and figure something out from that.” Alex declared as he sorted through the orphanage’s shared closet in search of his backpack.

“You’re only seventeen, how do you expect to ask bartenders? She asked following her wandering train of thought.

“Isn’t that beside the point?” he asked while yanking out his old, beat-up backpack from the bottom of the closet.

“Then what exactly is the point Alex? What good will it do to kill God?”

“The point, Maddie, is that regardless of whether any good will come of it, I’m still going through wit it. Someone’s gotta teach that sick old fart a thing or two.”

“So you’re saying that you are doing this to teach an all knowing God a lesson?” she retorted. “Doesn’t that seem like an oxymoron to you?”

“And what if He isn’t as perfect and all knowing as you make him out to be? He certainly didn’t do perfectly with my life.”

“That’s not what I would consider grounds to kill someone. And besides, wouldn’t that ‘bring you don’t to or lower than’ Him? Not that you could ever get up to God’s level.”

“Frankly, I don’t care, and logically; if God is evil-which He is-then killing Him will be justice and would make me the good guy.”

“Oh, so you’re the good guy huh? The hero who will strike down the God of love?” Maddie pressed sarcastically.

“I already told you Maddie; God is evil, not the ‘God of love’ as you call Him.” He continued as he stuffed the few shirts he had into his backpack.

“It’s not ‘as I call Him’, that’s what the Bible calls him.”

“The Bible isn’t true! Don’t you get that? God is evil, meaning that not only can He lie, but that He is very good at it. All He had to do was write down a some facts, then whatever He wanted, so everyone decided that it was irrefutable.”

“Alex, you need to stop and count your blessings. That will show even you how much God loves you.”

“I did that already…” Alex replied humoring her train of thought “I got two.”

“Ok, that’s a start.”

“No Maddie, that’s my whole list; you and Joey.”

“What about Joey?” asked the eleven year old, chubby Joey who had just walked into the room.

“Alex is counting his blessings, and he thinks you and I are his only blessings in life.” Joey’s entire face lit up after hearing this.

“Really?…” but his smile faded quickly “But wait, isn’t that bad?”

“Yes Joey, that’s bad.” Alex answered as he began searching for his only hat.

“It would be, if it were true.” Maddie added. “Clearly you aren’t even thinking about the fact that you have a roof over your head and food to eat every day.”

“Maddie, have you ever tasted that slop they call food? It’s not even good for us despite the fact that it tastes gross.” Alex pointed out, to which Joey gave her a sidewise nodding glance.

“What about the roof over your head?” she asked.

“You do realize that the roof over my bed has leaked for the past three years? Besides, this place is nothing short of a brainwashing facility for kids.”

“Are you talking about the Bible lessons? Alex you know they mean well by them, and it’s not like those lessons taught us not to be good people.”

“It doesn’t matter what it was they taught us. What makes it brainwashing is that nothing to the contrary was taught. We weren’t given a choice.”

“You always have a choice.” Maddie answered.

“I thought the Bible said God chose for us.” Joey pointed out following his own train of thought.

“That’s only true to a certain extent Joey; God is Sovereign-”

“GOD, IS NOT, SOVEREIGN!” Alex cut her off stepping toward her with his anger showing on his face. There was a long pause where no-one moved. Maddie then turned to Joey and held his attention.

“Joey, can you excuse us for a minute?” she asked in a sweet voice. Joey stared into her eyes for a moment, then moved to grab the paddleball he had come in to get, then made his way out.

“Alex what are you thinking?” she asked, but he said nothing, he just turned back to his packing. “ALEX! Why are you turning your back on us?”

“One can’t gain anything without sacrifice.” he said without turning.

“I can’t believe you’re just leaving us behind.” She paused and waited for him to say something but was answered with the sound of a zipper. He easily picked up his pack and faced her without a word. “You’ll at least write?” she asked with a downcast look.

“We’ll see.” he answered as he walked passed her to the door.
Heh, therein lies the current problem, I don't have any more just yet, but I hope to have some new material soon.