A letter to the Knights of the Trinity


Active Member
I letter is posted on the message board of the Housing area near Camelot and also on the Guild House door.

Beloved Knights;

I know there are few left in the lands of Albion. When I left for lands unknown two years ago my heart stayed here in Albion. As the hall emptied so did my heart. So I came back. I am in the process of setting up Recruitment campaign to once again fill the halls of our great order.

It will be a month yet before everything that I wish to get in order can happen, there are respects and authorities to be recognized. I have found the Remaining Guild Leader (Myth) still left in Albion. Through correspondence I sent him the visions I had for the Order. I wait his reply. I can be found in the Shrouded Isles helping the other orders and mercenaries clear Avalon city and establish a Foot Hold. The Albion Army regulars send messages daily back and forth to the mainland. I remain here till the foot hold is established.

I know a great many changes are coming. Knights come and go, some die and some retire. I know a strong Recruitment campaign will help this, a stable government for the Knights of the Trinity will make changing Leaders easier as well. I am praying on setting up a stable goverment so as Knights come and go, they do so leaving behind a strong legacy. Along with sermons, crafting events and ceremonial events and the conscious effort of bring Gods will forward . This will carry the Knights to new heights. This will inturn allow the knights to transition our ranks to what ever realms are needed.

By all means you may contact me by posting your message of the House board, messengers carry them forward daily. I will respond to all. I wish only to bring the guild forward and to love on my fellow Knights, and as always be used to bring The Word, to the wordless.

May God Bless you and all your endeavors

In Christ
Montrez Anthony