a matter of time!


Just letting everybody know that it is only a matter of time before our little one makes his entrance into this world.

I was at the hospital early this morning with my husband (babo for those of you who know him) and it seems that I am having contractions that I didn't even know about....I also found out that I am dialated 3 cm and 80% on my way to 4 cm....

So I have been told to take it extremely easy.....

The doctor wants me to try and hold out til I get closer to 37 weeks. Right now I am 36 weeks and 3 days....
w00t! congrats!

you doctor did say take it easy, but did he say anything about GW?? ;)

Keep us updated!
ZOMGoodness. haha, that is exciting. I will be praying for ya. Extremely exciting times. I just got an extra branch on my family tree as well, so God Bless to ya.
Since GW only involves sitting, I'm sure I'll actually get to play more now!

They think I went from 0-3cm in about 9 hours yesterday morning...I could already be at 4cm which is active labor but won't go back to the hospital unless I have more than 4 contractions in an hour....since right now I am considered pre-term...

Three days behind your wife Baron Squirrel...that's pretty cool....when is her due date? Mine is July 8. Somehow I don't see our little guy holding out that long!
her due date is anywhere between June 28th and July 4th. The date we're really going by is June 2nd, the June 28th one was based on his size in the ultrasound, which put him a week ahead of what is possible.

my wife was 2 weeks early (which would be next week) and i was born on my due date, so there's really no telling when it'll happen.

personally, i'm holding out for him to come right in the middle of my brother's wedding the 23rd... ;)