A position that needs thoughts on...


on to something new...
C. S. Lewis (author of The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, which Disney & Walden Media are making into a motion picture, this December) authored more than just Children's books.

He was a self proclaimed Christian and wrote other books on this subject.
In one of his books, Lewis presents the following position that EVERYONE should look at...

Jesus of Nazareth was ONE of the following things...
1)a liar
2)a lunatic

Now since there is no dispute in the FACT that Jesus existed and had a ministry over two thousand years ago, the above position can be taken, and thought out logically.

Since Christianity is of a personal nature, each of us should research these things and see where they logically lead to.

The reseach (scientific) is out there, we have to be dilegent enough to find it, observe it, and apply it.

May God be with each of you as you go forward and see the fruits of your labors.
*Personal Note*
I have tested Mr. Lewis' position, and I would chose #3. Even before I was, "saved," (and since I can remember how I thought back then), I would have still chosen #3.

#1 if Jesus was a liar, he should have ran numbers or gambled because he had the greatest "luck" in human history. I've found that for Jesus to say what he did and do what he did, would have been the greatest show of odds ever. There are over a hundred prophesies in the Old Testament about the Messiah, and Jesus fulfilled them all. If you were to say take 8 of those prophecies, and have someone fulfill all 8 (exactly like they were written) the odds of that is 1 out of 10^17 power. (1 out of 100,000,000,000,000,000 times). Dude talk about impossible, I've read that is like trying to find a silver dollar, painted red, in the mist of others, that covered the area the size of Texas, two feet deep, and you only had one chance to go in and find the red one, AND your blind-folded!

#2 if Jesus was a lunatic, he would be a psychiatrist or psychologist nightmare. I've read that both psychiatrist and psychologists agree, when asked if Jesus' teachings showed any "lose wires," most said no because of his sincerity. I know that a lot of people would say the same thing about Manson (psycho killer from the 60's), but Manson showed and spoke the "symptoms," of psychological disorders. Jesus didn't. And apparently, this isn't just from a Biblical stand point also, I've heard the same things from the Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel as well. And we all know that they are DEFINATELY not pro-Christianity.

#3 if Jesus is Lord it mean a lot of things. The biggest 1 is that the Bible and everything it says is true. Therefore, God is the way the Bible says He is. Jesus really was God in flesh, and the Holy Spirit was sent to help teach and comfort. Yet if Jesus is Lord that means that everything that we do REALLY DOES MATTER in the big picture, because the Bible says so. And we'll account for our actions as well. AND if we don't have a personal relationship with Jesus we'll never see that "better place," and be forever seperated from God.

I've read on these forums about a thing called the Pascals wager...
If you give it all on something, and your wrong, look at all you lost...
yet if your right, look at all you've won.

I'm bettering EVERYTHING on Christ, because the logic makes sense...

Logic says which ever the answer, no matter how improbable, fits the question, then that is the answer.
#3 fits the question, WITH PROOF, and that's my answer.

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Yes Jesus is Lord, he is my Lord and my savior. Yes there is scientific proof That the word of God is Truth. There is a website called "Reasons To Believe". Dr. Hugh Ross and many others scientists (by they way not the cult) lay out facts proven by scientific examination. Check it out it is very interesting. Oh yeah these are scientists that believe Jesus is Lord, and also the word of God to be 100% TRUTH. If your interested in this site just type in "Reasons To Believe". CYA! P.S. Good one PastorWhirl and to God goes all the glory.
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Uh, excuse me. I would like to mention that Jesus' existence, as outlined in the Bible, is not a FACT.

I would also like to submit that those three options are not the ONLY ones.

For instance...

Jesus of Nazareth was ONE of the following things...A MYTH.
Jesh, if you don't stop that I'm going to get Testy. Are you trying to pump your post count up?

Here's another thing that JC could be....

5. More than one man.

6. Very fortunate in his biographers.
Dark Virtue said:
Uh, excuse me. I would like to mention that Jesus' existence, as outlined in the Bible, is not a FACT.

Jesus of Nazareth was ONE of the following things...A MYTH.

Read Josephus, proof enough. And that's a NON Christian source.

C. S. Lewis (author of The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, which Disney & Walden Media are making into a motion picture, this December) authored more than just Children's books.

He was a self proclaimed Christian and wrote other books on this subject.
In one of his books, Lewis presents the following position that EVERYONE should look at...

Jesus of Nazareth was ONE of the following things...
1)a liar
2)a lunatic

Ok I've been thinking about this. I can see Him as all three. Even though I know it said ONE of the following. The way I see it is this.....

1.) To a non-believer, or maybe somebody who once believed but no longer believes, Jesus could be viewed as a liar.

2.) To follow the same thought pattern, once The Word is shared with somebody who may not believe or be in-between, hearing what Jesus can do may make him sound like a lunatic.

3.) And following the same thought pattern Jesus is Lord once you give your life to him, then he no longer seems like a liar or a lunatic.

I guess I've mentioned a 'thought' pattern, but I suppose that is actually how the pattern was for me. How could this "Jesus" do all these wonderful things and die for me? He must be a lunatic, but once I came to know Him well I think Jesus is Lord is how I see things now. I KNOW that is how I see things now.

:) Good thinker Pasor
Eon said:
Here's another thing that JC could be....

5. More than one man.

nope got proof of that one...

6. Very fortunate in his biographers.

well won't you favor someone who just guaranteed your eternal salvation?


Wow, the worlds areguements are starting to fall apart.
dv read the tos
3.While it is understood that not all members will share a common belief in Christ, members will respect one another and respect the integrity of God's word.

6.Lewd references to any issue, including, but not limited to: Homosexuality, trans-sexuality, bisexuality, bestiality, blood-Letting, Self-Mutilation, Satanism, Wicca, Mysticism, Astrology, Agnosticism, Atheism or other forms of occult practices and demonic torments are not permitted or tolerated.
I would appreciate not being asked to read the TOS, but instead, point out my infractions, since I do not believe there are any.
What is wrong DV. It seems your posts lately have gone from cynical to angry/aggressive. I think you just need a little of the CHRISTmas spirit in you. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your family since that is what it is really all about. ;)
michaelpi said:
dv read the tos
3.While it is understood that not all members will share a common belief in Christ, members will respect one another and respect the integrity of God's word.

6.Lewd references to any issue, including, but not limited to: Homosexuality, trans-sexuality, bisexuality, bestiality, blood-Letting, Self-Mutilation, Satanism, Wicca, Mysticism, Astrology, Agnosticism, Atheism or other forms of occult practices and demonic torments are not permitted or tolerated.

Forgive me for interjecting, I had written a post and deleted it because I like DV was pointing out another possibility respectfully. I have shyed away from the boards for this exact reason.

The inability to question the infallibility of the bible without someone taken offense to it. Or taken it personal because you know there’s a God and Christ and we should too. I or DV or anyone who questions the infallibility of God or Christ or the Word are not disrespecting it we are examining it. No t to disrespect Anyone’s faith or God, we are questioning, the references to other religions of faith based systems, is done out of respect of everyone, to draw parallels or similarities or differences.

What good is it as Christians to preach the Word when we do nothing but stanch and hinder question and wonder?


Here is my deleted post

Let me play devils advocate!

Those three do not take onto account everything! The Council of Nicea

Emperor Constantine “encouraged” the leaders of the day to come up with one doctrine for the worship of Christ. Being the keen observer of human nature I am, I know if I took the 20 most vocal people on these boards and said lets make one doctrine, one way to worship Christ. I would need to “”encourage” some of you to work and agree on many differing points of view.

It could seen as being possible that Jesus never really did half the things that were written about him, and they were written after the fact. We have no writing or documentation from him personally. The point of you can ‘scientifically” prove Faith is an error in logic and thinking. What you can scientifically prove is one set of manuscripts is a hand written copy of another and all are.

That sad fact is you can no more prove scientifically the realities of God than you can emotionally disprove him. So let me be clear here faith and proof are two completely separate things.

Was Jesus of Nazareth was ONE of the following things...
1)a liar
2)a lunatic

It is conceivable he was none of these things at all: but a legend built of bits of fact. We can never prove one way or another.

If we are trying to prove Christ to unbelievers, we can not use flawed logic and partially pictures, but we must examine the full complete picture of what could have been and draw our own theories; that is all any of us can do.

Faith is faith
And Proof is different to everyone,
But like on Law and order, I like beyond a shadow of a doubt

Oh Yes Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Just take a moment to remember why we're REALLY here and thank the God who sacrifices his body for us.

And remember - the darkness never gets longer than it is at Yule. That's the turning point, and the shortening nights are the Goddess's promise to us of new life in the Spring.

By the way - the active word in your TOS quotation is LEWD. No LEWD references to the litany of Middle America's fears that the rest of the paragraph contains.

Main Entry: lewd
Pronunciation: 'lüd
Function: adjective
: involving or being sexual conduct that is considered indecent or offensive :

The loop hole I use for the first TOS quotation is that I never say that God (meaning Yahweh in this case) is a liar. I've never questioned the word of God - I just question whether something IS the word of God or not.
Arkanjel said:
What is wrong DV. It seems your posts lately have gone from cynical to angry/aggressive. I think you just need a little of the CHRISTmas spirit in you. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your family since that is what it is really all about. ;)

DEFENSIVE is a more accurate term.

I've lost my posting priveledges with very little explanation and I've received several warnings about the TOS. I understand the definition of lewd, but not how it applies to my post.

Shall we get this train back on track now?
Wouldn't lunatic be the right answer, because if he did exist he decided to stand up against the romans.

offtopic: everyone keeps pointing at dv and saying he's angry etc. etc. U do know its ok for people to have different views than u. Also as Hescomin said instead of making a post to point out what rule he's broken, leave it to a moderator. Also rule 3 is another way of saying we except everyone but if u don't share the same beliefs, keep your opinion to yourself.
Let me remind all of you. I am the only active moderator in RD. Therefore, if warnings are going to be issued, I am the one who will do it. There is one other (possibly 2) that has the power to discipline, he is not here right now. If I see anyone else issuing warning, I WILL BAN THEM FROM THE BOARDS IMMEDIATELY. Gentle reminders to get back on topic are fine, but that is it.

Please note, this is not reflective of the post from HCS. He is an Admin here.
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