New Member
I know some of you will probably tell me I am insane, but I went to target and they have about 20 Wii's in stock (no mad rush or anything for them) there they were just sitting there. Well, you know I want one so bad, and I immidiately called my wife and said they had Wii's and would she mind if I purchased one at the spur of the moment. Of course she said no, but she felt that I needed to wait for a price drop since we all know that many systems drop in a year or so after release. Anyways, well I purchased it immidiately without any thought, but when I was walking out the door, I felt as if the Spirit was convicting me of spending 273 dollars on something that will only last a moment, when that money could be put to better use in missions and Gospel for Asia ministries which I am a recruiter for. Anyways, long story short I immidiately walked back into Target at returned the Wii....funny thing we went back tonight and they are still there a couple are gone but not many. Anyways, I am not saying those of you who have purchased ones are wrong in doing so....I just know that personally at the moment God wants me to use my money for other things, besides I got a wonderful baby daughter to tend to, and my Nintendo DS and GW keep me entertained enough with what little free time I have. LOL Just a small confession of how God showed me that I am so "selfish" sometimes.