Alien Swarm


New Member
I downloaded this last night; it is fun.  It has an overhead perspective.  At first I was a little unsure about the 3rd person perspective.  It helps make it special.  Otherwise, it would have just been another human vs alien FPS.

The atmosphere is dark and spooky.  It was fun playing online...although I did act like a complete newb.  Oh, I was...nm.  We kept getting whipped. You really have to stick together.  I think it would be fun if you played consistently with other ppl <wink>.

Alien Swarm

Anyone else tried it?

Also, patch 3236 was released today.
w00t! I downloaded Alien Swarm a few nights ago and have been ITCHING to play it ever since. It looks fantastic and I hope to play a round with Elihu tonight. I have the latest patch downloading now; thanks for the notice on that, stumpt!
i played with Elihu a couple of nights ago.

btw. my nick was getting truncated to []stum so I changed it to []deet.  It seemed apropos for the bug hunt.
Hrm. Some of you don't know me yet?? That's a twist...LOL Well to give you some info about myself....lessee...I've been in ToJ nearly since the start of it, Tek7 is my best friend, I try to stay as actively involved in as many chapters as possible (Ut being the latest), I sit on the ToJ council and have admin on servers\teamspeak, I'm the events coordinator for CGA (1st convention held this year, was a blast!), I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and my name and contact info is on teh ToJ roster page. If you guys see me online, please join me..I look forward to playing\spending more time with you all!!
BTW I usually only play at night but I always look for people on that wear toj don't be shocked if I appear to play all of a sudden...
Coo coo, well you're new to me Elihu, nice to meet you.

BTW, I am REALLY impressed with Alien Swarm!! A number of sites have been raving about it, but I was slow on the uptake. Now that I have it, I'm floored by the level of slickness in this mod. It's amazing! I love the whole strategic, pseudo-turn based single player campaign and the artwork is great and well executed.

I could imagine how you could get owned on this game online. You HAVE to stick together as a team. If anybody's weak, then the whole team goes down. Good stuff! I'll watch for peeps online.
It's buggy to me too. the top down view isn't for me. I like it up close and personal with a missle in my face kinda view.
I didn't think I would like it either.  It seemed like an old concept.  But once I started playing, I didn't really think about it.
I personally like it. You *have* to have it if you're going to do it single player-wise. The game's less about fragging and more about tactical combat. You have to get everybody in the best position possible in order to take on the swarms of bugs. You're controlling a team, so you need to be able to see them all at once. If you didn't, you'd be stuck in first person while one of your computer controlled marines who was placed in the wrong location is getting mangled by a bug on their backs and you don't know which marine it is being attacked and where they're located. You have to spin around or toggle through your list of marines until you get to the one who's being attacked.

As for co-op, I haven't gotten into that yet. I figure I should at least get half way through the single player before I think about playing online. You could probably go first person there, since you only have to worry about one marine, yourself, but then I think you'd lose Alien Swarm's uniqueness.

I'm trying to remember the name of a classic arcade and Atari 7800 game (I think it was also on the Sega MS) that was very similar to this game. Top down, alien infested ship, you have to flush it out, but there was only one of you unless you played two player co-op. Alien Syndrome I think is what is was.