Amaziah rocks world PvP

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Between the Horde players he took down and the Bloodscalp Trolls he wiped out, Amaziah must have taken out 15 characters in the span of 10 minutes--while I was lying face down in the dirt and Melinarlia was AFK. A Horde player even attacked Mel during the time AFK, and Amaziah managed to take out the Tauren and rescue Mel from certain doom.

I was rezzed a total of four (or was it five?) times today, proving that (1) it rocks to group with Paladins, and (2) level 33 is too low to be going up against level 37 Horde.

I'll let Amaziah and Melinarlia add their own comments on today's adventure. :D

/flex, lol, that was crazy, I was hitten critical strikes like a mad man!:cool:

Signed, Amaziah, Paladin, protector of all things Redeemed.
Yesss, Embrace the dark side!

World pvp owns. On this past Saturday there were 10 of us just standing at the brm entrance killing horde. The more you pvp the easier it gets to kill. Plus it helps you become one with your class.
I miss my level 40 days.
At 60 every character's power is soooo dynamic because of gear. Epic vs. Non-epic could probably be more than the equivalent a 20 level difference. :(
Hahahahaha Yes yes I was afk and didn't know there were Horde coming our way. My friend came into my room to use my printer so I had to go afk. It might have taken them a couple of hits to take me down though (yay for warriors and their CARAAAAZY armor!) but I have to say this.........


Melinarlia said:
Hahahahaha Yes yes I was afk and didn't know there were Horde coming our way.
Ah, this thread served not only to congratulate Amaziah on his heroic feats, but to get Melinarlia posting on the forums. :D

By the bye, Melinarlia, is that Asuka Langley's face in your avatar?

EDIT: Between Sandric, Azzie, Amaziah, and Tebran, I'm convinced that I need to give my Paladin another try...right after I hit 40 with Ulfbrikt. :D
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No Tek...that would be Cardcaptor Sakura. I don't think a lot of people know but I'm slowly entering the world of coplaying and would like to cosplay her one day cuz she's cute. Hey...maybe I'll even post pics when I do it. =P

And that was trick-sy of you. =P
Melinarlia said:
No Tek...that would be Cardcaptor Sakura.
So desu ka. I haven't watched any Cardcaptor Sakura series yet (I tend to shy away from any series that make it across the Pacific to America), but I recognize the character design from various games.

Melinarlia said:
I don't think a lot of people know but I'm slowly entering the world of coplaying and would like to cosplay her one day cuz she's cute. Hey...maybe I'll even post pics when I do it. =P
Tribe of Judah members cosplaying! Sounds very interesting...

Melinarlia said:
And that was trick-sy of you. =P
I am truly loving my current days as a Pally, I understand that the time is short, that I won't always remain at the top of the Damage meters. But man, it has been SO FUN so far! I am going to enjoy every last minute of owning the DPS just as I did with my Priest as shadow specced, before I went Holy and became a big wimp.

31 retribution and loving it!