An idea for funding

Having never ventured outside for "The Forgiven" section of the forums, I really had no clue how the forums were funded or how large the CGA community is. Thanks for the heads up. A small donation has been sent.
Could you also post your bandwidth requirements? I host my own site with PowWeb because it offers 300 GB of bandwidth per month (10 GB per day) for $7.77 per month, but they frequently offer discounts which are sometimes as high as 2 free years of hosting with a 2 year package, reducing the monthly cost to as low as $3.89 per month. Depending on your bandwidth requirements, you may be able to reduce your expenses considerably. As far as your vBulletin license renewal of $30.00 a year, do you require vBulletin? I've been quite happy with my free phpBB hosting. I assume you have MySQL access. I purchased my domain name for 5 years through a Yahoo promotion for $2.99 per year ($14.95 total). I'm able to host my entire site, including forums and a wiki, averaging 60,000 unique visitors per year, 1 million hits, and almost 100,000 downloads, adding up to 120 GB of bandwidth per year for about $5 a month.
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I assumed the bandwidth would be low. I have so much spare bandwidth that I host two other websites for some friends of mine. I would have offered you free hosting if not for the database queries. I'm sure someone else out there has hosting that they could give you. If my situation changes, I'll think of you. My monthly bandwidth and storage limits are increased frequently, and PowWeb has just had a change in management. How many database queries do you need?
The current limit with PowWeb is 72,000 queries per hour. Sorry for not PMing. I just think it would be helpful for people to know so that they can understand the needs of the group and donate accordingly. I believe in transparent accounting, so I list all of my site's expenses, revenues and donations on my Donations page, and I see you have a sticky where you do much the same thing. I appreciate that honesty, versus the usual "we need money because we have bills to pay, but we're not going to tell you what they are" approach.
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hmmm, I think that there are some who post in RD that could handle $5 per month.

(maybe contributions to a worthy ministry would help the mod's of RD change their mind and revert to an unmoderated forum....:D)

In all seriousness, everyone, please keep in mind that those on staff of CGA do so voluntarily. A lot of time and energy goes into these forums and I would like to think that fellow members would want to support the efforts that are put into these forums. The other consideration is...if you don't want to have to worry about the monthly payment, a one time payment of $60 would equal the same thing.

Sign me up for $10/month. Please let me know how we can set that up as a reoccuring payment. First payment has already been sent. Also, I forgot how much Paypal takes from each transaction, so please let me know how much that ends up being so I can adjust my donation to make it a clean 10/month on your end.
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A big thanks to everyone who donated funds this month! The week coming up is going to be pretty stressful for me, but I hope to update the CGA financial accounts status and CGA donor recognition thread early this week. I also hope to take some time out Monday or Tuesday to send out "thank you" e-mails to everyone who donated.

In other news, the Christian Gamers Alliance is currently seeking to add a Treasurer to its staff. :D Candidates for Treasurer must be US residents, 18 or over (21 or over strongly preferred), and trustworthy.

EDIT: I set up this page for anyone else interested in making a monthly donation. :D
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