Announcing Custom Map Night!

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member

It's a custom map night to BIG for one night so we will be testing
a few (5 or so) each Tuesday 8:00pm central
during the month of May.

(Server IP Note: We may be moving our TF2 day
from Tuesday later this month.)​

Here are the maps on our server for your convenience. Map pack one contains the maps that we have been playing prior to April 29th 2009. If you've been playing a lot on our server before April 29 2009 then you probably don't need it.

Click Here for Toj Map Pack one 181mb

Click Here for Toj Map Pack two 189mb

Click Here for Toj Map Pack three 162mb

Click Here for Toj Map Pack four 145mb

Map Install Instructions: After unzipping drag and drop the tf directory (not the Toj_TF2_Map_Pack_X directory but the one inside it) into the team fortress 2 directory and then approve the overwrite (the path should be similar to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\<<<your steam account>>>\team fortress 2 ). (Tested on XP).

The new maps are...

cp_corporation_b3 (Interesting dustbowl style map.)
cp_freight (I've heard it is used in some scrims.)
cp_horus_b3 (Egyptian themed map.)
cp_vertigo_beta3 (Gravelpit cp style map on top of a skyscraper.)
ctf_2docks (A small ctf map with more water than most maps. Size seems suitable to our server.)
ctf_aerospace_b4 (It has a simular theme to a map I am working on myself.)
ctf_spacebase (Space map with some custom models/textures.)
koth_lighthouse_rc3 (A king of the hill style map. Also reworked as a arena map below.)
tc_meridian_b5 (Hydo style map with some custom work.) new versions of...


...and new Arena maps for whenever arena is requested.

arena_backwash_b3 (Probably too deathmatchy but we shall see.)
arena_harvest_v2 (Looks rather well made.)
arena_offblast_b1 (Looks rather well made.)

Be sure to post here if, after testing the maps, you would like to see any of them added to the normal rotation :)
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Woo! I will actually be able to make this one, I think. This week is final exams, and after that I am free for the summer. :D
I tried downloading the map packs using FlashGot + GetRight and the program threw an error. :(

I'm downloading the first map pack using the standard "Save File" dialog in Firefox now, so it's not a big deal.

Just...odd. Oh well.

Wow, four custom map playtest nights in a month. This takes me back to the days of the TF Map Complex.

EDIT: By the way, I love the event poster--and not just because Pyro is my second favorite class.
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obviously the sniper isn't me, cuz I'd still be trying to headshot him :)
cuz I'd still be trying to headshot him :)
With a head that big what do you mean trying?


Edited because my question was answered in the opening post.

Would help if I read every now and then...

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Thanks gerbil for all the hard work you put into setting up this first map night. I was only able to play on the first 2 maps before i had to leave. I really like the first map and the second was OK. How many maps did you all get to play last night?
Here are the maps we ran in the approximate order we did them.

cp_freightyard (had the trains, 3 capture points)
cp_shabbytown_final (5 cp points)
pl_mill_b5 (just the new version of the map we have been running)
ctf_spacebase (I don't think many people liked it but I ran it more for the novelty anyway. I do like the fact the planets were labeled :p)
cp_broma (the gravelpit style map)
cp_ramrod_rc4 (didn't really get to run this map so I will run it again at some point)
Here are the maps we ran in the approximate order we did them.

cp_freightyard (had the trains, 3 capture points)
cp_shabbytown_final (5 cp points)
pl_mill_b5 (just the new version of the map we have been running)
ctf_spacebase (I don't think many people liked it but I ran it more for the novelty anyway. I do like the fact the planets were labeled :p)
cp_broma (the gravelpit style map)
cp_ramrod_rc4 (didn't really get to run this map so I will run it again at some point)

You forgot vertigo and canyon. :)

Shabbytown, Mill, Broma, and Halfacre were good IMO. I missed Freightyard, spacebase was bad (boring), Veritgo was bad (confusing, poor layout), and Canyon is 2fort all over again, which means it's bad (weighted companion snipers ahoy).
You forgot vertigo and canyon. :)

Shabbytown, Mill, Broma, and Halfacre were good IMO. I missed Freightyard, spacebase was bad (boring), Veritgo was bad (confusing, poor layout), and Canyon is 2fort all over again, which means it's bad (weighted companion snipers ahoy).

Ah yeah I ran those too probably in my sleep XD.

As far as 2fort I actually like 2fort with only 2-3 engineers and a team that works together. I dislike it with more engineers than that though ESPECIALLY if it's on a pub. Pub + 3 or more engineers = FOREVER. You only win when the engineers get bored. Snipers aren't a problem to me on 2fort it's like a candy store filled with sniper stabbing goodness tee hee ^^ .
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yeah, I just like it when the spy doesn't get fully cloaked as they run out, cuz then I get invisible sniper kills, and then get called a hacker (only in pubs)
I really like 2fort, ya but if you play on an instant spawn server with 28+ people no one will win until like 8 hours later.

I only got to play cp_freightyard and pl_mill_b5. I liked freight yard, it is a nice small map. Did anyone else find the 2nd route that went directly under the 2nd cap point? I am familiar with pl_mill from the cc server but still don't know if I like it or not.
yeah, I just like it when the spy doesn't get fully cloaked as they run out, cuz then I get invisible sniper kills, and then get called a hacker (only in pubs)

Yeah I've made the mistake of not waiting long enough a few times XD. There have been a couple guys that make me wonder though as I wait longer and longer after this happens. A few times I've run into a guy on a pub that will headshot you multiple times in a row instantly (just as you stick your head out) They do it with me coming from multiple different entrances and me waiting for the cloak to take effect longer each time too XD. I generally go the long way through the sewer after running into that :/ .
the best for me was getting a free kill on 2fort, when you are scoped into a target and actually kill a cloaked spy you didn't even know was there. Too bad it protects the first target, I would love to get a double kill on a snipe. Just like I loath sniping someone just as a teammate walks in my line and stops my would be kill with their body. You should be able to shoot through your teammates.
I think these are all the new maps we ran on this Thursday (yesterday).

cp_corporation_b3 (the large dustbowl style map with the battleship)
cp_follower (it took forever yet it is in STA)
cp_horus_b3 (Egyptian themed map)
ctf_2docks (A small ctf map with more water than most maps.)

arena_harvest_v2 (had pumpkins)
arena_storm_b1c (had rain in it)

dom_canalzone (the one with eight capture points also in STA)

We also ran the new version of cranetop but no big difference in it. Ctf_chaos was run too but we've run that before.