Any druids:

just tanked my first heroic with warrior, all i can say is QQ......hated it.

Haha Goodwone!!! I know what you mean. I have a lvl 29 warrior and it was a rough instance. I definatly let dps die who would keep pulling off me. On my druid I'm not to worried about someone pulling because I have charge/growl or my challenging roar. But still, having swipe on CD and the fact its now like 25 rage? or something like that. Kind of annoying.
i found myself hiting beserk for 5 rage on a pull that i had no rage on......the 'new' rage generator that was supposed to replace bloodrage commanding shout was still on cooldown, it was RIDICULOUS........ahhhh, blizzard grrrrrrrrr. they give us tools, but no way to use them, how dumb is that, my QQing will continue! why are they destroying warrior tanks......
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Speaking of tanking... Shadow priests now have the same damage mitigation as tanks. There have been stories of priests tanking raid bosses haha.
Haha, i played a little on my 74 mage...I <3 running and casting scorch...haha and it costs no mana! Haha so i'll firefrost bold then run away and cast scorch. I was able to kite 3 horde around my lvl and kill them all. =D

On another note I finished making a newer feral helpful guide in raid disscution. Hopefully i did it right and it helps those who need it