Any interest in a new ToJ Facebook Group?

What would the purpose be? To have another avenue of communication? To form groups together to play games? To advertise different activities (TF2uesday, L4D Wednesday, Birthday Celebrations)? Just to have a group?

I personally see a lot of potential to "advertise" ToJ through FB. Either by posting times for events like TF2uesdays or about deals on our Amazon page or Bible Verse's, in addition to whatever conversations pop up through member posts. All of that is easy enough to manage and update and to avoid burn-out and/or vacations several members can have that responsibility.

Worse comes to worse, we make a page and it dies, but at least it's there spreading the news about ToJ in whatever small fashion. Best case scenario, we see a large amount of action on FB and get some new members to get to know.

SoE/SOE has a FB Group, which I have really enjoyed. It's simple and easy to use, like Zippy said, it's there on the side of my screen so I know whenever something happens and I just recently used it to advertise our bi-annual cape contest. If ToJ were to have a presence on Facebook, I agree it should be a group rather than a page. However, there is nothing wrong with having an information page, mainly used to describe and inform people about ToJ and have a group that is associated with it where most of the communication happens.
Now when you say "post a note on the Tribe of Judah page," do you mean our Facebook Page or our web site? I ask because work on the web site is all but on hold until we build and make the transition to a new web site. But posting a few links on the Facebook Page would be simple enough.

Facebook - but I'd still recommend a group not a page. Both have pros and cons, but the group requires a lot less of the end "customer," and generally generates more activity than a page. I think on the Group page it's on the right side and says "Create a Doc." now.

I belong to several groups and pages and the pages just tend to die off. The groups seem to stay active longer even with just a few members.

But maybe it would be best just to work with what is there first, see what can be done with it. I have a Prayer Wall page that is used and seems to work for it's purpose. No sense having people join another thing when what is already there might work just fine.