Are we in need of Raiding Priest healers?


New Member
This is Stormcrow/Kirastraza for those who may not know.

It looks like on most raid nights we are running with a full compliment of healing Druids, Paladins and the uber-healing Tots. Is there a shortage of raiding Holy or Discipline Priests? The healing synergies between classes may sometimes benefit the raid if additional classes are represented.

We have a few priest heals. Whispyr is now my alt...holy priest...I take her on alt runs tots is saved to already. Trinnityanne is a new healer from my understanding and learning the disc heals...Nazareth I don't see around much anymore unless he's on an alt and he was a pretty good holy priest...ummm truevision is an alt of Cryo..i believe holy? Legnase is another alt but a disc priest..... That's all I can think of. Recently we have a lot of people coming and going because of busy schedules in real life right now unfortuantely :( we're just gunna have to stick with it cause attendence will be shakey. Just the way it goes lol.

and thanks for the uber comment ;) I usually don't look THAT uber fact I shouldn't look uber at all -.-
I hope you like druid heals, cause my girlfriend is leveling my druid, and she's a pacifist.

She gets upset when she accidentally kills a bunny. Like, she can't play for a few hours.

And the first thing she does when logging on is to summon "peanut", cause he's "soooo cute!".
We LOVE Druid heals. However too many of one class can be a hinderance. Cross class synergies should be used when we can. I play discipline in the BGs and love the play style because it is completely different than my Druid.

The main reason I brought it up, I was about to buy the t10 gloves and thought, raiding as holy or disc would benefit the guild.

Anyway thanks for your thoughts.