Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian


New Member
So this staff is sumpremely nice, and I would like to have it lol, anyone know the mats that are required for it???? I know my dreams are high, but I don't care.
You need to be in a naxx raiding guild, then you need to have your dkp high enough after being geared for the instance to win the bid on the first splinter. After collecting 40 splinters off bosses in naxx, theres a quest to get drops of c'thun (yes aq40 must also be on farm for your guild, most guilds now a days skip it however the teamwork required for twin emps and c'thun will geartly help the learning curve in naxx) and Kelthuzad. But the quest doesn't end there, you need to cleanse the staff. To do so you must take a 5 man group to Stratholme and defeat the Atiesh spirit/demon/whatever. Those are what I've narrowed down to how the staff is made.