Attention Guild Members! (not spam)


New Member
I am on a mission to be able to provide the +22 Intel enchant for guild members. I need 1200 Dark Iron Ore to do this! That is a ton of Dark Iron and i have no real way to gather that much. I know that we are using the dark iron ore to smelt and make FR gear for tanks but I would think that giving all mana users the ability to have the +22 intel enchant is something important too.

If this sounds like something that we would be interested in me persuing please let me know via this thread and start sending it along. I will try to keep up with letting people know how much I have saved up and how far we still have to go. this will be a long process I have no doubt but with your help I at least have hope that it will get accomplished.

On a side note I am aware that there are other items in the guild bank that can be turned in for rep (much more rep than the iron) but I am not wanting to take those items for use. They are to important and way harder to get than the dark iron.
What is the enchant too?

What are all the materials needed?

I would favor making the casters get half the mats themselves. I do not think that ruins the spirit of your desire. But it also makes it worth more to the person getting the enchant. only my 2 cents.
I am a 300 miner but not putting that to use. Where is the best place to farm DI ore? I will get on it.
Meli's a 300 miner as well. I see several Dark Iron Deposits in Burning Steppes most of the time. You might try Searing Gorge as well.
The enchant requires the following:

Large Brilliant Shard x15
Greater Eternal Essence x12
Illusion Dust x20

This enchant is applied to a weapon. (one or two handed)

It is not my idea to give this one away for free and would expect that most guildies will provide the mats. This is one where you could expect to be charged a decent amount of gold even if you bring the mats. I will not charge anything and am willing to donate some of the mats myself. I can think of a lot of healers who would like to have this on their Epic Staff (priest) or Mageblade (pally).
It'd be quite nice! Back when I was a miner, I used to send all my ore to Fj... then I switched to skinning. I almost wish I hadn't, though I don't think it's a huge deal (really keeping the slot open for gemming at level 70 and slowly leveling an herbalist alt).

I was going to wait to really push for it until more of us had Benediction, but I'll be on the lookout for dark iron ore on the AH for you.

Maybe I can build up a stash of mats for the enchant... Farming BRD for the FR enchant should give us a couple dozen Brilliant Shards, though half of 'em would be small...
BRD has several DI nodes, especially around the arena/windsor cave areas. They can be gotten to with a small team of 60s. Exit the instance, reset, rinse and repeat. Plus you will get Dark Iron Scraps which is useful for Argent Dawn rep.
The enchant requires the following:

Large Brilliant Shard x15
Greater Eternal Essence x12
Illusion Dust x20

This enchant is applied to a weapon. (one or two handed)


For those of you who dont know the prices i can give a rough estimate here:

Large Brilliant Shard - 5g ea.
Greater Eternal Essence - 8g ea.
Illusion Dust - 1g ea.

Large Brilliant Shard x15 - 75g
Greater Eternal Essence x12 - 96g
Illusion Dust x20 - 20g

Totals to be around 200g (With tip!)

(Prices were speculated at the high end of he spectrum.)

[In the expansion this will be an excellent enchant for Arcane specced mages. Just a thought :D.]
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depends which they like better, and I am not offering the + to healing! LOL

+22 intel is a good enchant and worth the effort, an extra 220 mana is nice to have.

Come on folks dont let this neigh sayer fool ya this enchant is worth getting and helping me to provide!
Im not sure if the amount of int Priests/Pallies/Druids have helps their spells like it does Mages. If it does then more power to you! :D
depends which they like better, and I am not offering the + to healing! LOL

+22 intel is a good enchant and worth the effort, an extra 220 mana is nice to have.

Come on folks dont let this neigh sayer fool ya this enchant is worth getting and helping me to provide!

LOL me a naysayer!!!
indeed, now where are you for Ony? I am not leading tonight you are now hurry up and start the invites! :)
I was late. my daughter's softball practice ran over.

i am not leading any more!! When I lead weird stuff happens!

You one shot her! next week you lead I do nothing!!
I'm going to get myself the +30dmg when I get my mageblade...I have 11 DI ore but I'm going to make 2 bars my self when I get the ability to smelt. THen I might start donating.
cammandus is also a 300 miner. ive saved up a few stacks over the years, maybe ill donate. i would be willing to help extract it from brd at the very least on any of my char. (since we dont necessarily need 5 300 miners to get it)
Icthus bought an Ebayed account... it was a coincidence the name of the priest was Icthus...
Hm.. for all the trouble its worth getting I've seen very very few people have this enchant or request it (druids being the most common ones). Most people now prefer to get the 30 spell power or 55 healing since it has a better results over time than extra intel. Rarely do people run into oom issues, if fights are these long and people feel they would need more mana buy some superior pots and use them every 2 mins. If fights aren't long and you're going oom then you need to learn to conserve mana. Best way to learn conserving mana is do 5 man instances and decrease the number of times you need to drink.

Btw 1 intel is 15 mp, so this enchant gives total of 330 mp. 330 mp isnt that big, compared to +30dmg/healing (or 55 healing) on every spell you would cast. Most of the time the 330 mana won't even be used.

Edit: totally strayed off topic.. if there are people that want these enchants I can try and find someone to do it for them, or atleast point them in the right direction but it's really a waste of di ore when your tanks need it for FR gear for Rag.
I think the enchant you get is based on what stats you value for your toon. For a priest, +22 intel = one more flash heal = one less flash heal but +24 (+55 x 1.5/3.5) on each flash heal = one more flash heal from regen of +20 spirit. The +30 spell damage is not really meant for a raid specced healing preist. Shadow priest will get more out of +30 spell damage then even +55 healing, +22 intel or +20 spirit.

Personally, I'm bigger on the +healing and then dropping to lower rank heals to conserve mana. My rank 5 flash heal is as effective as most priests rank 7 flash heal and costs 100 mana less. So in three casts, I've made up for the lack of +22 intel or +20 spirit. And I receive that benefit every three flash heal rank 5 casts.

One caveat though, you need to have massive +healing to make that work. If you are a priest looking to go all out on plus healing, then the +55 healing is for you. If you are looking to go all out on the mana pool size, you will not benefit from +55 healing over the +22 intel. Given the costs of these enchants, its best to pick a path and stick to it. Now, I'm just thinking should I go for +30 healing on my prophecy gloves or on Transcendance, given that I'm unsure of when I'll get the transcendance gloves.