Away from computer 12/19 - 12/22

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all! I will keep this short as I am already deprived of sleep and will likely have to get most of my rest in the car riding between Tulsa and Springfield (and then back) this weekend.

I will be away from the computer starting tonight (here in a few minutes when I enter blissful slumber) until Monday, December 22 around 4PM Central. If any services or servers hosted on my secondary computer go down during this time, they will remain down until I return on Monday. If anyone should have trouble with misbehaving guests on the Tribe of Judah: Counter-Strike, you'll need to contact one of our other admins as I will not be monitoring the server this weekend.

Please also note that I am starting a new work schedule starting Monday, December 22. I will now be working 6AM to 3PM Monday through Friday. One of the other members of the Help Desk team quit earlier today without giving any notice and I have been required to pick up his hours. I am hoping that this will not be a tremendous strain on my body; given my night owl tendencies, I am asking everyone to pray for my health, peace, and sanity.

I apologize that I have not yet replied to many of the e-mails I have received since starting my job earlier this month. I am having to adjust to having my free time severely reduced and, while I do enjoy my new job, that has been difficult. I will do my best to carve out a chunk of time Tuesday evening to answer e-mails.

Thank you all for continuing to help this community grow. The transition has been easier than expected thanks to our wonderful staff and the encouraging words of our members. Again, I ask that everyone pray for supernatural peace and wonderful, magnificent, stupendous sleep.

The midnight hour is coming up fast, so I'll conclude my post here and report back in on Monday! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
You too Tek, have a wonderful time in your slumber
. *walks to bed as well yawning*