awesome site everyone must see

Confusing at first, but very clever.  I had to take a second to read about their site before I let myself jump to any conclusions though. I can understand some people having a problem with their site, but after reading a couple of the "hate mails", I decided that many people against their site simply didn't take the time to read their 'Get to know us' section.

In fact the first hate mail made me laugh because the guy basically said, 'Jesus didn't spend his time eating with sinners or helping prostitues'. Um....wait a second...yeah he did.
well its an awesome tool that i have found, from browsing around at my schools webpage for the sermons, maybe give it to your local Youth Ministers and let them go fromt here.
i've heard of this site.. my youth pastor told me about it.. i have dled the program thing and have it running.. just one of the few steps to help ppls from going to bad bad nasty sites
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What is your doctrinal statement?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. We believe what Billy Graham believes?!!?!

I found this interesting quote from their site. I don't know why it is interesting, it just is.:p
i think what they are trying to do is safe guard themselves and help teens and everyone safegaurd them self from Porn (hope that isnt sensored) i dont think they are trying to make spirtual truths and bash peoples heads in with doctrine, just keep them safe, so why would it matter if they believe that we should have church on a saturday instead of sunday, know what i mean? people just trying to knit pick at the details.
I've seen their website before... alot of guys at my school think its really funny.  There are a few things I don't like about them.
That was part of an email they sent around that i think made their website rise to fame.  I think they might have good intentions, but theres just something to me thats wrong about sending around something that makes a joke about something so serious.
The other thing that i find kind of disturbing was this
Maybe its a kind of psycological thing for me but there was one time before that I can remember seeing a jesus action figure.  It was when i was on a missions trip praying on a wican store.  It was one of the objects in the store window and the only one I really remember.
I just think that there's something off about those guys.['s against porn? After you take that away....and take away smoking...WHAT'S LEFT?! DON'T ROB ME OF MY LIFE ETHERNET!
It's cool what they're trying to do, and sometimes we need the obscure things to reach certain people. But I'm kind of with Fleck here. The Jesus action figure T-shirt was kind of offensive to me too....

That scared the ever living /poo/ out of me, and my sister happened to walk through while I was reading it and she flipped. THANKS ALOT LION :p.

I dunno, i'll have to review this. "Flee from the very appearance of evil." It does sorta appear like it could be evil from the start
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Fleck @ Mar. 15 2004,6:12)]I've seen their website before... alot of guys at my school think its really funny. There are a few things I don't like about them.
That was part of an email they sent around that i think made their website rise to fame. I think they might have good intentions, but theres just something to me thats wrong about sending around something that makes a joke about something so serious.
The other thing that i find kind of disturbing was this
Maybe its a kind of psycological thing for me but there was one time before that I can remember seeing a jesus action figure. It was when i was on a missions trip praying on a wican store. It was one of the objects in the store window and the only one I really remember.
I just think that there's something off about those guys.[
yeah, the kitten thing made me just mad... i love cats
if somebody hurt my cat I would snap on them and probably do something very bad to them.. with my fists and shoes

i think the jesus thing is kind of funny, and I thought both of you were over reacting a little bit, but now that I think about it... I can kind of see where you are coming from.. how it could be very disturbing if taken the wrong way.. but we have power rangers, pokemon, even ELVIS action figures... why cant I have a jesus action figure.. besides it will remind me that he is always with me... watching over me.. as I do the things that I do like play cs all day instead of reading the bible :S

Edit: *whimper* please dont flame me
I'm not really offended honestly by the action figure. The things like the caption on it was what really bothered me. I think its kind of making a mockery of a serious thing, jesus's purpose in life. Thats why I think lent is cool, giving something up out of respect for Jesus's life and death to remind you of it. If you think an action figure like that would really help you, get motivated, then its fine that you have that opinion. I probably wouldn't have considered it bad either until I really thought about it. Seeing it in the wican store before seeing it on the website really threw up a red flag for me.
I'm not going to flame you, in fact i think its interesting to see what other people post.
Well before you really start bashing the guys for what they are doing, listen to what they have to say in the sermon.

On a side note i have done some stuff simalar to this when pushing CGA/TOJ in the real world with people are churchs. Some people found what i was doing to be offensive,

Meh who cares i sure dont, because i do know that maybe one or two people actually listened, and may have been impacted by it.

Places like this are not really ment for the Bible bumping Christian who is going to find anything mocking to their religion offensive. Dont morn your faith celebrate it. Yes what Jesus did for us was a major deal, but also i think Jesus did make jokes on himself ever now and then, just for a few laughs. sorry if i ruffled your feathers, but i tend not to keep The God of the universe in a box.....
Being cautious isn't bashing.

Thumping the Bible isn't a bad thing. You should thump the Bible. Liberally. If this site isn't for the "Bible thumpers", then it shouldn't be for any Christian who reads their Bible daily, then.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
i think the jesus thing is kind of funny, and I thought both of you were over reacting a little bit, but now that I think about it... I can kind of see where you are coming from.. how it could be very disturbing if taken the wrong way.. but we have power rangers, pokemon, even ELVIS action figures... why cant I have a jesus action figure.. besides it will remind me that he is always with me... watching over me.. as I do the things that I do like play cs all day instead of reading the bible :S
There's a difference from a fictional toy and God. I was freaked out at first, I thought you guys were all some perverted people until I saw the purpose. :p Still, that's a very strange site. I most certainly do not "love" it, and I will not go back again.
I like to make jokes if you didnt get that that "computar machinine" thing was a joke then ok... but I don't think that all jokes are appropriate. Somehow I can't picture Jesus making a masturbation joke.