Back, but gone...


New Member
Hey I'm back from camping (I went camping with meh church this weekend), it was supposed to storm really bad saturday but God provided great weather for the whole weekend. All in all it was great fun and fellowship.

So In sunday school/youth group ect. lately there have been a couple messages on keeping God first in your life. And not let anything get more inportant in your life then Him. At sunday school our teacher told us to write down somthing we may be addicted to, or be puting before God lately. I put down counter strike, even tho I'm not addicted, and it doesn't even come close to being put before my savior, it's the best thing I could think of at the moment. But later it got me thinking "If cs ever did become addicting to me (like it used to be) would I be able to pull away from it? And what if I am spending to much time on it already?" So I've challenged myself to take this week off of CS, just to make sure I'm not getting addicted, if I do find myself wanting to play really bad, I'll take another week off. I dont think I'm addicted or nething, just wanna make sure. So I wont be playing cs this week, I can still come on the website tho God bless ya all

keep tha' passion chick

Jesus is the man, and the body need to constantly be told who is boss.

youre inspiring

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Jesus is the man

Well yes thats one way to put it

Your desire and maturity is an encouragement to us all (yes, even us 26 yr olds). I appreciate your heart for the Lord - you keep that up and God will give you the desires of your heart and more than you have ever dreamed of. Just like my signature says; Seek Him first, everything will come following - needs, desires, prayers...He knows what you need, keep Him number 1!

I should take a week off of ALL games...
I better make lots of Clickety click sound :p

(empty pump with no reloadable ammunition left)




lol (operation make elite play cs
Hey I just got back from a missions trip and I am gonna give up cs forever and just live for God. Thats not the only thing I'm giving up either. I think i will give up all computer games and maybe just be a ToJ forum monkey That way i can still pwn everyone. I think its fime for me to get real serious about God. Some of the other things I'm going to give up are:
Food-Like in the sense that I like it and it sometimes can get in the way of God. I can give a really good example of this but i am really too tired to type it right now.
X-C- I think God's telling me that it will waste alot of my time and if I want to run I should run on my own
Band-Hrm actually I don't think its time for me to give this up right now. I want to learn how music works because worship is one of the best things about God. But just remember him at all times and do his work
TV-Yup TV too I dont think its doing much good except wasting my time... wait a minute that isnt good.

because I was away for a week its cool because all the stuff (except food) can really be distracting from God. A sad part about this is that I dont have a job and might be really bored because thats all I really used to do. But thats alright because God> All these things
Wow... that's a big sacrifice your making Moody.. dont' worry we'll pray for your success. And if u hav anything that u want to know about CS in ToJ, always, we'll be glad to update you with latest

Good luck, and God Bless,

Albert -Flash-