New Member
Just curious if any strategy-type players have ever given Bang! Howdy a try? It's made by Three Rings, makers of the rather successful Puzzle Pirates. It's a tactical game more than a strategic one, and is pseudo-realtime: you give orders in real time, but units move and then have to recharge before before moving again.
It's free to play to a point, but you pay extra for additional features (gameplay, avatar customization, unlocking more powerful units and cards, etc.)
It's pretty neat, I've been toodling around with it for the past couple of nights, haven't done any PvP yet.
Just curious if any strategy-type players have ever given Bang! Howdy a try? It's made by Three Rings, makers of the rather successful Puzzle Pirates. It's a tactical game more than a strategic one, and is pseudo-realtime: you give orders in real time, but units move and then have to recharge before before moving again.
It's free to play to a point, but you pay extra for additional features (gameplay, avatar customization, unlocking more powerful units and cards, etc.)
It's pretty neat, I've been toodling around with it for the past couple of nights, haven't done any PvP yet.