BC Mage Nerf


New Member
With all of the great talents and spells that mages are getting, one big nerf for us is that Counterspell now has a global cooldown of 1.5 seconds. Speaking from a person who has Imp Counterspell, this seriously ticks me off. Spending 17 talent points to get a Silence and only silences the target for a max of 4 seconds. As it sits now, I can cast a frostbolt right afterwards. Come BC, my 4 seconds silence is going to be 2.5 (taking into account the cooldown), leaving me 2-2.5 seconds to cast a spell. This is absolutely horrible if you ask me. 17 points into a tree for a 2.5 second silence? Good grief!!!!!
I believe that the silence nerf comes from an overwhelming push to mage DPS as a whole. I read somewhere that mage damage was "scary".