Behind our Character names


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I thought it would be cool to start a thread of why we named or characters what we did. I will go first. Last name Dredd so everyone know it is me playing these characters.

Fiona Dredd:

On this one I just like the name Fiona I think it is a very pretty name. Kinda named after my boss' daughter she is 4 or 5 and very Sweet.

Cassie Dredd:

I named this Character after Cassie Bernall because she said, "YES!" I have thought alot about what She and Rachal Scott Did at Columbine High School and since I am from Colorado that event really hit home to me. Side note check out the Song by Flyleaf called "Cassie" awesome song from a new band from Texas.

Rahab Dredd:

After Jesus' Great great Grand Mother who was a former Prostitute but had a hand in helping conqouring Jericho.
I loved the fact that she made a 180 in her life and is in the bloodline of Jesus.

Lucy Dredd O Narnia:

Named After Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia. I admired her child like faith in Aslan (Jesus). We could learn a lot from her as well as from the books very christian I almost cried when they killed Aslan in the movie because he is Jesus and he was Dying for Just one person much like he would had done if we were the only person on Earth.
Mad Dogg Matt

My name is Matt, the rest is self-explanatory :cool:

Arnin Dragonslay

I believe I read a book in which I heard the name "Arnin", and I used it here, also I had a hard time deciding between "Dragonslay" and "Dragonsbane", in the end I chose the former instead of the latter

Lady Matalie

This is my sister character, she wanted the name "natalie" because it seems to be a pretty name, but it was taken so she chose this.

(unused slot, sometimes PvP character)

My sister also gets this, because she paid half of the money, she gets 2 of teh 4 slots. I am waiting for the new slots so I can get a ranger, and, depending on just how many they give us, a monk
Atown of Rising hil

Atown is just a name made up, however rising hill is the name i gave my gaming LAN in eastern washingotn where me n friends play SC and HLDM, but also its biblical Ezekiel 35:8 I will fill your mountains with the slain; those killed by the sword will fall on your hills and in your valleys and in all your ravines.
Chadley Bradley

My name is Chad(suprise?), but all my friends call me Chadley, and that (Chadley Bradley) has been a nickname ever since I made it up during a scene in an improv class. The full title would be, "Chadley Bradley, 6 o'clock news at 7." :p See ya!

Malachi Perellon

I name all my RPG character's first name after a book in the bible.

last name is LOTR elvish, means Half-Elf.
besides just being pure cool, I'm half asian, so it's a little close to my heart.
not that asians are elfs. psh.. if they were, they'd drive a little better...
Kidan Anubix (r)
Thats the name that I use in all games. Kidan is chinese for knowledge, Anubix is the creator in Egytpian mythos.

Elisha bar Shaphat (mo)
Elisha son of Shalom. Biblical successor of Elijah. Thought the name would be good for a monk character.

Tamar bat David (warrior)
Tamar daughter of David. There's not that many warrior women in the Bible, and those that are there, dont list thier father's name. Regardless, the story of Tamar is a sad one, that most people are probably never taught in Sunday School.
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This is a really exciting thread for me. I take great pride in my characters' names.

Joeyface Babybird.

This name derives from my most recent girlfriend Sarah, who endearingly called me Joeyface. Not only do I have a face, but it's a very distinct and unique one. And also, from drawing caricatures all the time, I have taken to drawing self-portraits and dubbing them "joeyfaces." Indeed, most games I've played in the last few years have had a character named "Joeyface." It was hard coming up with a last name, though... since Guild Wars made me, I decided to take two other terms of endearment Sarah used to call me... "Baby Joey" and "Little bird," and combine them. It's all pretty sappy and corny, to tell you the truth.

Gob B L U T H.
(pronounced like "Job" from the bible.)

This is a prominent character on the series "Arrested Development," one of my all-time favorite shows. I know way too much about the show, and I am much more of a geek for A.D. than I am for G.W. Gob is a shortened name for "George Oscar Bluth," which humorously makes the Bluth part redundant. He's a failed magician who does nothing but waste time, money, and space, but always does it in a charming, slightly arrogant way. I was excited to have an elementalist character named Gob...then whenever I pulled off "magic tricks," I could politely explain to the guy I Air Spiked that it was "just an illusion."

Bride of Gob.

Will Arnett, the actor who plays Gob Bluth, is married in real life to Amy Poehler of SNL and Upright Citizens Brigade fame. In Arrested Development, Gob meets and marries a woman (played by Amy Poehler) in the same night as a result of a series of high-risk dares. She is never referred to by name, and before we could ever find it out, she leaves Gob and divorces him. Amy Poehler is simply credited as "Bride of Gob."

So there you have it. I'm sure none of this is quite as interesting to you guys as it is to me... but i sure do love talking about it. Great thread!
Halonic Mjolner........Halonic is just a made up name that signifies nothing. Mjolner was the name of Thor's hammer in Norse mythology. My first toon was a hammer warrior.

Halonic brainer.

Angelina County is the actual county that I live in here in Texas. Angelina was an Indian girl that befriended the first white settlers here in East Texas.

Star son's character. Remember the slow motion shots in the Rocky movies? Every time he got hit the slobber just flew. We originally wanted the first name to be General.....too many characters. Then Major.......still too many. I told my son we had to have a four letter name for the game to accept Slobberknocker. He picked up a Mountain Dew can and pointed to the word "Star" on the side of the can.......voila......Star Slobberknocker was born.
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Jemini Jax --- I played Star Wars Galaxies and named my toon "Gimini Jax" (sounds like Gemini). No real significance to the name, except for my name in Counter-Strike is "Goose62" and I wanted to keep the "G" in there for SWG. And one of our names we're going to name a boy that we have will be "Jaxon" (sounds like Jackson), so I thought it sounded cool together "Gimini Jax". I have a female E/Mo in GW, so to give it a little feminine touch to it, I replaced the "G" with a "J" - Jemini Jax

I need to create another character :(
Three of my characters' names come straight out of one of my favorite book series, The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

Jahar Narishma

Jahar Narishma is an Asha'man, which is a male 'elementalist' in The Wheel of Time series. He's a loyal follower and protector of the main character in the series, Rand Al'Thor. He's very powerful and as most Asha'men are, very proficient in FIRE magic.

Kiyosa Natomo

I wanted to make a healing monk and I wanted it to be a female. After looking at the faces on the character builder screen, I realized that I liked the oriental girl's face. Kiyosa Natomo was an Aes Sedai (female elementalist) of the Green Ajah (primary healer) in The Wheel of Time series. Her name has an oriental flavor and she used to be the Amyrlin Seat (head of all Aes Sedai).

Bukama Marenellin

Bukama was one of the last Malkieri warriors in The Wheel of Time series. He was the bodyguard and mentor of the last Malkieri King, Lan al'Mandragoran. He's also known as the hero of Salmarna.

Roland Astromar

Roland is my only character not based on The Wheel of Time series. His first name, Roland, is from Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. The main character's name is Roland of Gilead. He's a gunslinger but since there are no guns in GW, he's a ranger. His last name, Astromar, is just derived from my online identity, astrod00d.
I got my names from various places.

Cave Troll

When I played Tribes 2 I would camp in little holes in the map and kill everyone. Someone called me a Hole Troll...When LOTR came out and Boromir said "They have a Cave Troll". I became Cave Troll.

Me Without You

Just one of my favorite bands.

Veritas Follower

My mother forced me to take latin. Veritas means Truth, and I didn't take latin long enough to find out what follower was. So I used English.
Pastori Mastersson. Simple: at the time he was created, I was acting worship pastor at my church. Break down the last name and you get Master's Son. The "i" at the end of Pastori is a reference to my Italian heritage.

Pastori Thunderclap: I want to make an aeromancer.

Pastori Carrollwood: A ranger. The name of the neighborhood where I live in Tampa is Carrollwood, and the name seemed to fit a ranger.

WildBillKickoff: My real name is Bill. When I played football in HS, all the coaches used to call me Wild Bill because I would work myself into a frothy-mouthed craze before games. I was the "wedge-buster" on the kickoff team, meaning I would run 50 yards at full speed and then use my body as a human projectile to knock down about 3 guys so everyone else could make the tackle on the ball carrier.

Well, one game I hit the wedge so hard, I knocked two blockers back into the ball carrier, knocking him down, and knocking one of the blockers out cold. Since WildBillKickoff sounds a lot like Wild Bill Hickok, the name stuck.
Well, one game I hit the wedge so hard, I knocked two blockers back into the ball carrier, knocking him down, and knocking one of the blockers out cold. Since WildBillKickoff sounds a lot like Wild Bill Hickok, the name stuck.
Jd Warwick.......well my nickname is JD (Jonathan David) and i play bass guitar and warwick is a sweet type of bass
Jd Alanon......Alanon is a character from Sword of Shanara
Priscila Dikaios.....Well Priscila id from Priscila and Aquila in the Bible, and Dikaios is righteous in greek
My new one O Dikaios....Dikaios is righteous again and O (pronounced ho) is the article and dikaios left alone in masc nom. singular can mean righteous man or righteous person, so The Righteous Man in greek
there you go
ArchAngel said:

Respect to WBK from me too, although I'm more interested in the English kind of football, if ya know what I mean. ;)

I once ran for the soccer ball and someone was running to steal it from me. What do I do? I head parralel to him and when he is about to get it, he's about riiiight behind me, right? well, I turn sideways with my right shoulder facing him and he runs into me, blowing him over. I technically didn't do anything and the ref was facing the other way that split second... *evil smiley here*
Loew Krug - I started using the name Loew for another game, I think it was a trial of Anarcy Online. Anyway, while trying to think of a unique name, I turned around and started looking at the books on the shelf behind my desk. The author of one book was listed on the spine as Loew. Krug is a reference to the first race of enemies you encounter in the original Dungeon Siege. DS was the first "RPG" type game I played.

Owen the Restless - I created this name during one of the GW Beta Weekend Events. While playing, my 2 year old son woke up from his nap and insisted on sitting on my lap. While trying to get him back to sleep I decided to create a new character and since I couldn't seem to get my son, Owen, to go back to sleep...

Derk Black - Derk is my real life name. From my forum name, you can probably guess my real life last name is Zwart. Zwart is the Dutch word for Black.