Best friend and his girlfriend


New Member
My best friend (Eden in toj) helped his girlfriend become a christian. They've been together for a year, and now her mom is being very mean and trying to force her away from christianity. She's going through a lot emotionally, and is having doubts about whether she chose to be a christian for the right reasons, etc.. Please pray that his gf makes a right and uninfluenced decision, and is not forced into something by her family. Please pray for my friend too, he's going through a lot because of this.
I am sorry, Max. I have been praying. I never see a request here that I don't pray about. I make it a practice to pray the minute I read the request, then again in prayer time. I usually just don't post anything. Thank you for the lesson; from now on I will post that I am praying for the request.
I would greatly appreciate that. I have started this year keeping a prayer notebook. My favorite part of that, I think, will be writing in the victories!
My friend and his gf broke up. Her mom is keeping her from going to church and yg, she wants her to persue other religious venues as well. :rolls eyes: She's ignoring my friend as well, I guess its because her mom doesn't want her to see him.
My prayers are continuing in this stituation. Your friend is blessed to have a friend in you; and someone that cares and can offer comfort and guidance from the LORD. Sometimes, it is impossible to see God's hand at work, nevertheless, it always is, for He never leaves nor forsakes us.
i'm praying