Best money making profs in TBC?


New Member
As of late most all my characters have been herb + skinning, just to make money. Going forward which profs do you think are the best money makers?

Is mining now a huge money maker? How is Jewelcrafting working at making money for those who have become one?
I am also curious if there is any crafting/gathering profession we are lacking, though it seems like we have a fair number of each type of profession, no?
Surprisingly, I am making a decent amount of money with leatherworking. Some of my rep gained patterns sell well, and I happened to get a rare pattern drop that is a big seller. Mats are not terrible to farm for either. IMO, at least from the LW perspective, making money with a profession other than enchanting or the new jewelcrafting is actually possible. Blizzard seems to have finally made professions what they should have been before original WoW released.