Binding Heal/Prayer of Mending


The Forgiven Guild Leader
Okay...I've had these since Beta with Wend and have yet to figure out how to use them to my advantage. Could someone who uses them often (even once an instance) please give me examples of situations in which they have been needed.

(I also specc'd all the way up the Disc tree to Pain Suppresion in Beta but it didn't seem to work. Either that or I read the talent wrong and the Pain Suppression was only for me, not for my target)
Prayer of Mending is my favorite healing spell. In situations where you have an off-tank, it's fun just watching it ping-pong between the tanks, healing about 7500 health total in just a couple of seconds, and for less than 300 mana! It's also very effective in single-tank encounters if the boss does AE damage to the rest of the group. I love that the charges to PoM fire off without regard to the global cooldown. We (Matt, Rhys, Mike, and I) run Shattered Halls usually without any crowd control, and this one spell makes it a cakewalk.

Optimal use in an off-tank scenario has the main and off-tanks as the only ones with damage when you cast. Cast it on the one that is lowest health, and it will pretty much bounce between the two, with the lowest health one getting 3 charges and the other getting two. In a single tank scenario I don't cast it unless it's an AOE mob, since if only one takes damage it will never bounce again and you only used 1 charge.

A trick to use when the charge bounces to you - fire off a shadow word: death on the boss. It will damage the boss and you (if the boss doesn't die from it), which will cause PoM to bounce to another.

As for binding heal, I've just started using it a bit since the last patch (which reduced its mana cost). I use it anytime I have damage myself and I would have been casting a flash heal on someone else (squishy has aggro).
I'm with Ebb. I use it when I need to cast a heal on myself as well as only one other person. At 3 people, I think that a group heal is still more mana efficient. I'd have to re-check the numbers.

My main use for Mending is similar to what Ebb said. I use it in places like SteamVault on the 2nd boss... when everyone is dealing with the adds... everyone takes a little damage. When the boss uses his buzzsaw? Everyone takes damage... so it's a nice little spell to have out there. Especially since it's so cheap :)
We are also thinking of farming for demonic runes or dark runes (the items that exchange health for mana), because if shadow word death is on cooldown it's a handy way to force PoM to heal you and move to someone else.

There is also an item you can quest for in the badlands which will poison the target, again may not be a bad thing to use in conjunction with PoM when you have the charge on you and you want to force it to move.
I forgot to mention that I also use an addon called prayer of mending tracker:

Without this, or something like it, it's hard to keep up with who it's on. Pomtracker gives me a small moveable frame that tells who it's on, how many charges are left, how much time is left before it expires, and how much total healing has been done so far on this cast of PoM.

I move the frame right next to the health bars so I can keep track of where PoM is. If someone is down a bit in health, but has PoM on them, I know that healing that person isn't as urgent, because if they take more damage, they'll get a heal from PoM.
We are also thinking of farming for demonic runes or dark runes (the items that exchange health for mana), because if shadow word death is on cooldown it's a handy way to force PoM to heal you and move to someone else.

We need to test this to be sure it works. Just lowering your health may not work - I believe that warlock lifetap doesn't cause PoM to bounce. Maybe the game doesn't consider converting health to mana as damage?
Yeah, Valk uses PoM a ton in raids, Kara and Gruul being big ones. I know that Dan used it a lot in the first boss in SSC. This is due to the whole Water tomb thing. /cast PoM target and then it bounces to a tank usually. I've heard there is a link behind it's bouncing it's not random, I don't know what it is though.

Binding heal like everyone else said is very helpful if a clothy gets agro, as Faust said, if you have the runes it works wonders here you heal yourself and your target and get mana back in the process. I know I'm still new to the whole healing thing and am kinda out of date, but hey.