Blackrock Caverns and the Running thereof


New Member
So as many of you know Cata drops in 2 weeks, and with it guild achievements and rep etc. are in the game. One of the ways to guild achievements and rep is to repeatedly run instances. I was wondering if anyone was interested in formally getting groups setup for the midnight release.

Since I'm working towards a server first huntard to 85 I may only be able to participate for only a couple of runs.

So we're looking for normal group setup nothing crazy.

LF1M Tank healer or dee pee es for group one!

Group one people:

So for reference to the instance itself. The guy does a pretty good job explaining how the fights work and just a couple of tips to utilize some of the cool stuffs.

I highly suggest you take a look if you're planning on doing this since it'll really let us hit the ground running when the group gets up.

To signup simply say so in this thread like so:

Signup! <class archetype(Aka dps, tank healer)>

IF we get enough interest I'll start a second group etc.

Happy Massacre of Turkey day yumm yumm! and I hope to see you there :D
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I shall join you in your quest fine sir.

This is the exact way not to signup for the list.

There's no green and no signup =P

Everyone learn from Pud's example this is not how to signup!

I keed.

But seriously though you did it wrong lern2readnub
Signup! Mcfierce <dps/healer>

EDIT: If, for some reason, we dont have a tank...I've also considered switching one of my specs to accommodate a feral tanking spec. i'd just have to farm some pieces for him...hence, if it comes down to the wire and I dont have a set built...I can use Angryson (see below)
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also in case we need...

Signup! Angryson <tank/dps>

Note: I am picking up the CE from Best Buy at midnight so I will have a short delay in my log-in time. I have been pre-downloading all of the content, so all I need to do is drive the 5min from Best Buy to my apt and activate my account w/ my cd key.
Updated OP to reflect the signups and implied that I can and will also organize a second and third group as well if there is interest.

Edit: apparently there is only so many times you can edit a post so yeah.....

Updated People/Toonlist!

Simonedes dps on...Simonedes
Puddleyc dps on Pwninghaxor
Cakeyplease dps on...Cakeyplease
Angryson healer Mcfierce

Still lf1m TANK

Also one tentative
Xymnas Tank
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Wow I would love to see that mcfeirce. :) haha and I might sign up. That's why this ist green. If it comes down to it and you need a tank I'm more than happy to help out.
simon...could you possibly reflect the list to include the toons role after their name?


ToonA <tank>
ToonB <healer>
ToonC <dps>
I heard you guys say earlier tonight that your group is full. Any one know if theres gonna be more groups? I am on vacation all next week and will be playing straight thru until I hit 85 pretty much. First time i'm gonna level without having leveling partners set up, i'm kinda scared. Was hoping to get in a group somewhere. If so heres mines...
Signup! Lisarayne <healer/dps>

Well there's nothing that says EVERYONE is FOR SURE gonna sign up AND be there. So just sign on and we'll see what happens. I would say people who signed up on this thread first have priority then just first come first serve. And besides...we're all christians here...SHARING IS CARING!
Yeah so at the moment we are full with Samboe being our tank cupcake simonedes and pwninghaxor as dps and mcfierce as healer.

That being said that is all up to change depending on who shows up on time.

We will be using vent, the first time through should take about 20-25 minutes and subsequent runs through will be really fast. I can explain fights etc. So let's mountain dew this.
After other research around teh interwebs, it may be in our best interests to individually quest thru Mount Hyjal FIRST to grab all the quests we can for the instance and THEN chain the shenanigans out of it. Same for any others we end up doing. I also say individually quest because the net experience gain will be greater than if you're in a group.

I also have been researching the strats for all 80-85 instances. Looks like we will be seeing more CC in our trash pulls. Bosses look real fun as well.

Link to Cata Dungeon walkthroughs here. Some of these walkthroughs are pretty long, but you get the dungeon in its entirety. Happy hunting!
and for clarification, i believe samboe is healing on his druid (Duskcloud) and I'll be tanking on Mcfierce. but honestly...w/e. as long as we have our group we're good to start getting guild achievements for working together...huzzah.
If I am on Mordos (Tank) is in, Though I will be in Stormwind fishing until it's maxed and then follow the wave to level.
Interesting in watching that 1st video it looks like we need to aim for a 333 gear score before attempting heroics.