Brain Tumor


Active Member
One of my interweb friends, she calls herself Nifty, has a brain tumor.

Shes been complaining about headaches but nothing more, so that's a sort of good sign (no blurred vision or tasting purple, etc).

She's an atheist, but still requires prayer.

I'd appreciate it.
Atheist or not God still loved her enough to send His Son, will pray.
Praying that the Lord will use situation to His glory and to address your friend's spiritual need as well as her physical need.
A bit of good news - it's not cancerous.

A bit of bad news - its grown around her carotid artery, which helps to explain the headaches; and it is growing and could begin to affect her vision.

Doctors have advised her against operating on it because it is so deep in her brain, but she's got another appointment in a few weeks so she may (hopefully) will get more good news and less bad news.

Thanks for the prayers!