Burning Crusade and changes


Active Member
So, it is about 6 weeks out. Burning Crusade will change everything, whether you like it or not.

So the questions come, how do you think things will change?

Things like 40 man raids disappearing.

level 65 items being equal to Tier 1 or 2 epics.

New PvP.

What will become of our game?
40 mans arent disappearing just wont be any new ones, all new raid dungeons are gonna be 25
As guilds progress, they wont need the 40 man instances anymore, I think thats what he meant.
the fact that my hard earned purples are going to diminish in value is a little upsetting. I am hoping that Blizzard improves their quality a little bit so they can be more on par with the new items.
Your Arcanist and other shiny purples will still hold their value, its gonna take a while for peopel to get the good greens people are talking about. No need to fret! (Unless your not getting the expansion... then fret all you want!)
*sigh* I don't know when I'll be getting Burning Crusade. It so happens that it's coming out at the end of the semester so that's really close to Finals Week, or what people in my major call...."stay up all night to finish up our final projects" Week. Soooo.....I might not get it until after I'm done with everything for the semester. =\
For all those who don't like to raid and just want to level characters there will unlikely be any change to how you play. Raiding and Pvp will change alot though. Smaller groups and more places to raid will make the new game great for those who like to raid, and they will learn to work together well I think. Pvp...not sure about it yet.
I look forward to taking a 40 man raid of 65s or so into Naxx and aq40:p hope they dont level cap those instas hehe, Id like to see the inside of them without having to be uber enough to join a-team:p
I look forward to taking a 40 man raid of 65s or so into Naxx and aq40:p hope they dont level cap those instas hehe, Id like to see the inside of them without having to be uber enough to join a-team:p

To be uber enough to join ATeam means to have all the gear from the instance prior to Naxx.
I tend to think different with Goblit, I think everything will change, remember those STV days? WELCOME TO THE OUTLAND!
ahh STV, how I remember thee, somehow I cannot wait to do the kind of things that happened to me to others there.:rolleyes:
I can tell you this, it WILL NOT be like STV.

I have some thoughts on it, but I cannot tell you anything.
Nooooo. What will Meli do if she doesn't MT anymore. T_T That'll be a sad sad day for her and I think she'll probably sit in a dark corner in IF and weep bitterly.
you can whip out your big ol 2 hander that summons mini-sulf (or is it mini-luci) and do some massive warrior DPS.