Bush and Civil Liberties

Bush has every right to have people removed for wearing T-Shirts and jeans at a formal convention.

And he had all of the poeple dressed in street clothes removed... not just the ones with those "protect our liberty" T-Shirts.

Once again something Bush did that is not wrong, the media is making it seem like he is some monster.
what surprises me so much, is when the same thing happened to pro-life advocates at a kerry rally, the media said not a thing (and these people, unlike at the Bush rally, were dressed similarly to the people at the sKerry rally, they just happened to be have anti-abortion slogans/sign)

Or, when a number of Kerry supporters beat up a Republican Campaign office worker, inside the Republican Campaign Office (this happened in Orlando) there was just a few peeps from regional media.


Que, what I don't understand, is how can you be for a person for president who endorses abortion and gay marriages.  I mean, he is basically saying that your religion has it wrong on these counts.

Here, have a look at the Christian Coalition's voter's guide to Mr. Bush and Kerry http://www.cc.org/voterguides2004/national.pdf
Kerry is actually pretty moderate on the positions of abortion and gay marriages, epsecially the latter. He merely doesn't feel that he should be allowed to legislate his beliefs onto others.
Pro-choice does not equate to pro-abortion. There are many other issues the canidates stand on besides pro choice and gay marriage. Pretty much every state but Oregon that has gay marriage on the state ballot will be voting against it. From what I read, gay marriage advocates have put most of their money into this state because it has the best chance of winning.

I'm not a proponent of either, but those are not the only issues.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Thaddius @ Oct. 18 2004,11:30)]Pro-choice does not equate to pro-abortion.  
It doesn't?

Maybe I'm getting my political factions confused...what else does pro-choice equate to?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mr.Bill @ Oct. 18 2004,11:16)]Kerry is actually pretty moderate on the positions of abortion and gay marriages, epsecially the latter.  He merely doesn't feel that he should be allowed to legislate his beliefs onto others.
his voting record would argue with that.

Kerry has voted pro-abortion on every abortion measure that has ever been brought up (which he was in Senate for). Including late term abortions. So his voting records say that he is a staunch abortion proponent (either that or deep in the pockets of the abortion lobby/industry).

Unfortunately he did not vote in the Federal Marriage Amendment, yet he was one of only 14 Senators to vote against the Federal Marriage Protection Act of 1996. So his votes there say that he is for gay marriages as well (or at least the weakening of traditional marriages).
I, a purebread Canuck, watched some of the presidential debates. Whether I like it or not, the President of the United States commands a lot of power and decision made in the White house affects the entire world. So I am interested in what each canadite has to say. It is too bad that the minor candidates don't get to particpate. oh well.

And, unlike that jerk Micheal Moore who that it was his place to tell Canadians who they should vote for, I will not tell you who to vote for.

This much I will say, both Kerry and Bush need to go back to school. I'm thinking, 3rd grade. Not saying that I think that Canadian leaders are any better, for the most part, most of them could stand to go back to 2nd or 3rd grade as well.

But you know what, that is their sand box, and I really don't want to play in it anyways.
oh, I'm of the firm mind that Michael Moore is much worse than a jerk. He's an outright and blatant lier.

A jerk I can handle. They often don't realize what they're doing. Moore knows he's misleading people, and he's doing it on purpose.

but hey, that's me.
What bothers me the most about John Kerry (And I am not saying that I agree with his position everywhere because I didn't list it here) is that his proposed social policies regarding the purchasing of Canadian perscription drugs, will hurt us, alot. There is barely enough to supply Canada's demand, nevermind adding the demand of a nation that is 10x the size in population.

If you think that Bush's foreign policies hurt nations, well, internal policies that hurt friendly nations are worse.

It comes down to, that Kerry will setup a perscription medicare program that may well end up on Canada's back. That is wrong, so wrong on so many levels its not even funny.
I read some of Moore's books.

I'm interested: What lies does he tell?

Edit: Bowser, Michael Moore is slightly to the Left of Lenin Trotsky. Read his books Stupid White Men and Dude, Where's my country? to get an idea of what he says.

But I never knew he was a liar.
I don't like it how people make it look like Bush is a killer. It's a war people! There would be plenty more dead people if he hadn't acted.
Hmm. Don't want to drag this off-topic, but...

Actually there's a lot of unrest in the UK about the war. For starters, loads of women and children were killed in collateral damage. Far more than 9/11 (Not to bellittle it).

Also, now we are in there, no one has a clue what to do. We went in, marching with the banners of liberty so to speak and tore up the place. Now the country is in chaos and no one had a clue what to do about it.

Lastly, people are getting very annoyed with Blair for essentially going along with Bush and not waiting and allowing the UN to do it's work.

I'd rather not make my political favours known, but needless to say, the war has caused much grief.