Business Opportunity


New Member
An up and coming business is trying to get off to a great start. In order to get this business running we are looking for investors that can help out with capital.

To start this venture we are looking for investments up to a total of 2,500 gold.

These investments will be paid back in no more than 30 days at a 20% interest return.

We thank you for the chance to place our proposal and ask for your kind consideration. These are binding terms and will be followed through without lapse.


President and Founder of Gems United, an equal opportunity cut and creation company for your jewelry needs.

TLDR : Loan me 2,500 gold I will pay you back in 30 days 3,000 gold.
Warson is a good friend of mine for many years now. I can vouch for his integrity and he will pay back something if he says he will. Unfortunately I am totally broke trying to start a trade-skill as well, so I cannot loan you anything at the time bro.