Bye for now

Kiljoy Chronos

New Member
After giving it some thought...I'm leaving SoE to help Trinity Morningdove build up another guild that will hopefully someday be a part of the SoE alliance.

Untill then I'll always treat any one at SoE and it's alliances as guildies so if you ever need anything just PM me.

Kiljoy Chronos
I wish you well and am sad to see such a dedicated person of this guild go.

You will be missed, and i hope your guild and trinity's guild grows to be just as popular and have a great influence on people as I think this guild does.
Will be praying for your guild and for both of you.
Wish you the best.
It is with mixed emotions that I write this. I look forward to the day when your guild joins our alliance.

Of all the people that I have played with in-game you were the one I felt most comfortable with. It was like playing with a mirror image of myself as far as PvE leaning and in-party decisions.

Some of my most memorable times were when we two-manned the Icy Dragon runs and capped Animate Flesh Golem. Please be sure to add me to your friends list.

I'll play with you any time.
It would be great to have both of you involved with Elisha. I hope you'll choose to do that. But at the same time, Elisha is still us - and if your conviction is to seek out something different, I can only encourage you to go where your heart leads you.

We will miss you killjoy, don't have too much fun while away. (make sure to stop in the forum every now and then to keep up)