Call to Arms: Mats


New Member
Once again your beloved guild is going to shower you with money!

For anyone wishing to donate items to the guild, the following items will be purchased at slightly below market value:

Items currently on the Call to Arms list:

Lavascale Catfish
Fathom Eel
Flask of the Draconic Mind
Flask of Steelskin
Flask of the Winds
Volatile Life
Twlight Jasmine
Deathblood Venom

Mail these items to Flame, they will be accepted in FULL STACKS ONLY, except for the flasks, which can be mailed in any quantity. Please be sure to check something is on the list before sending, as this list will change based on the needs of the guild. If we get inundated with mass amount of mats from crazy farmers, I reserve the right to send back what we cannot pay for.

The reason for paying slightly below market value (and I do mean just slightly - maybe only a couple gold per stack) is that you are pretty much guaranteed the sale, you don't have an AH cut, and you are helping out your guild.

I'll be back later to refine this thread a bit more, maybe even update it with prices.

Items that may be on the Call to Arms list in the future:
Highland Guppy
Lavascale Catfish
Fathom Eel
Flask of the Draconic Mind
Flask of Steelskin
Flask of Titanic Strength
Flask of the Winds
Volatile Life
Azshara's Veil
Twlight Jasmine
Deathblood Venom
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Gonna go ahead and unstick this thread. Current guild leaders can revive this program if they so choose, but it was mostly to help supply our raiding team.