Camelot video


I like the water effects and the moon shots (does the moon change phases as the game progresses?)

Of course, I wouldn't release that to the public without written permission from U2.
The water effects is an added feature of the Shrouded Isles expansion pack.  The environment is much more lively now.  As for the moon, there must be a plumber in the sky because we get the full moon every night.  But it is fun to watch a sunset or a moon rise on one of the larger lakes.

As for getting artist permission, I'm willing to bet that a majority of the music used in camelot movies are just used.  I remember seeing the credits of one movie that said "music donated by Kazaa."  LOL

But I do acknowledge your suggestion and have contacted U2 to see what procedures are necessary.  Thank you for reminding me of that.